I arrived in Paris last Wednesday morning only having slept on the flightfor about 3-4 hours. I dragged my tush through customs and wandered around
looking for Air France....since my friend Kim was arriving on that airline. She stepped thru the door and it was like no time had passed since i had
last seen her in December.
No sooner had we hugged then she grabbed a piece of paper
out of her backpack and made me sign a confidentiality agreement.
Apparently she thinks i like to write....
and write details.
I signed the form and promised i would not bring up anything that
would implicate her in any way.
I was not going to talk about the bracelet she bought from a man that wouldn't leave her alone.
I would not tell everyone that she smoked her first french cigie.
I would not mention the blisters that encased her feet.
I was not going to talk about the fact that she wore Nike's like a tourist.
I would not talk about the boudoir photo shoot that happened.
I definitely would not talk about the escargot shell that she was eating from
went flying across the room of a very nice restaurant.
I would not bring any of that up.
This is the beauty of our friendship...
we're cool like that.
Besties till the end.
I hope you have a friend like that...

we left the airport and hopped on the metro for Paris.
We thought we were so "french" to be able to walk right on over and
hop on the train all by ourselves without asking for help.
I mean really.....
all the tourists were in lines for the taxi or waiting for shuttles.
Not us.
We were taking the metro.
We jumped on...grabbed some seats and off we went.
Now let me just pipe in here for a minute and remind you that i don't speak
French....nor do i understand it.
Oh...i can get by all right...with my few basic words and knowledge..
but it really is quite embarrassing.
Kim is the girl that knows the language and i totally relied on her the entire trip.
She'll thank me later...
really...it was for her own good to travel with a novice...
i mean....
now she can consider herself fluent.
Where was i?
Oh...the metro.
Yes....we were on our way into Paris.
We were chatting along...catching up on old times....
when on the overhead speaker i heard the word...
now being the non french speaking part of the duo...
that is one word ..i believe...is the same in all languages.
{i would later learn that workers in France strike for everything....}
Our train slowed down...and came to a stop at a station.
At this point....even though we heard the word strike...
we just thought we would let the people getting off here at this station
and carry on.
The weird thing was.....everyone got off but us.
We just sat there...looking at each other.
ho hum.
But then people started getting back on....
and we wiped our brows ...saying to each other...its fine...
we're off.
The problem was...
the train started heading back toward the airport.
I think this is the point where we looked at each other and were thinking
we should have just taken a taxi.
Like all the other tourists.
we hopped off at the next station...
and decided at that point...
to just take a taxi.
{free tip: there is nothing wrong with taking a taxi}
We made it to our hotel around 2 pm and the hotel was
located in the 5th arrondissment....and our hotel was very nice...
and very modern. We were about 6 blocks from The Pantheon....and walkable
to the 6th Arrondissement which was our favorite area. The 6th had small
shops and cafe's which did not have a tourist feel and felt very quaint.

As soon as we checked in.....
you got it...
we walked outside and on the corner was a darling cafe.
We parked ourselves...
ordered our first taste of Paris.

Luckily Kim loves wine as much as i do.
After our lounging at the cafe...
we started walking.
and walking...
and walking...

I loved seeing what people were wearing....
so much so...
that i took a ton of photos of fashion...
which i will post soon.
The men had amazing style...
the children darling.
I saw a lot of converse shoes on people...
so no need to fret if you are headed there to visit.
If you are worried about shoes...
just wear some converse.
Women had adorable dresses on...
with converse.
Men had suits....with converse.

This is Jean-Pierre....
and this is exactly how we found him.
Sitting in a window looking absolutely charming.
He was nice enough to let us take a photo of him.

I am a lover of architecture....
and there was nothing better then street after street
of gloriously old buildings and roof lines to photograph.

The first place we found ourselves at was The Pantheon.....
which had our very first view of the Eiffel Tour.

Building of The Pantheon was started in 1764 by architect
Jacques-German Soufflot.
There is not a lot of info in English and none on
it's famous residents are who are buried inside.
{quoted from my french guide book...}
I'm an architecture lover...not a history buff

don't know how Jean-Pierre got here again..
but since he's back..
let's just marvel in his fashion sense...shall we.

From the Pantheon we headed over to the 5th....
where we found all sorts of bakeries and cafe's.
We were standing outside one bakery watching
the bread makers making bread when i casually mentioned to kim
that we need to somehow sneak inside and watch.
Kim so graciously agreed...
and she asked one of the bakers taking a smoking break if we could
peek inside.
The baker agreed and at that point we knew we were in Paris.
Standing in a bakers kitchen getting our first private baking class.
After our private tutorial...
he loaded us up with loaves of fresh bread to take with us.
He then offered to show us his apartment on the top of the 15th floor
of the building so we could get some roof line photos.
okay...so he didn't really do that....but we thought it would have
been nice if he did.
I think maybe if Kim would have batted her eye's at him...

The floral shops were all amazing...
i don't think we passed by one that we didn't snap away at.
{you can even see Kim has her converse on below....
we were so French}

We ended up in front of Notre Dame.
Construction for this gothic style cathedral was started in 1163 and is
the symbolic heart of Paris. Napoleon was crowned here...and
many kings and queens exchanged marriage vows before it's alter.
{just some history being thrown out to you...}
as we were sitting outside enjoying the view...
and while kim was nursing a blister on her foot...
a lovely young man came up to Kim to chit chat.
Apparently he wanted to take her on a ride on his vespa.
{this is the part where i'm glad i don't speak a word of french}
It would be one thing if the guy was handsome...
because it would be funny since i'm obviously the tag along at this point
to see the both of us on the back of a vespa.
Kim would have gotten to wrap her arms around him...
and me.....
i would have had to wrap my arms around kim.
So glad the guy was bald and really short.
Kim delicatly declined the offer of a ride on his vespa back to our hotel...
so we decided to get going.

We made it back to the hotel and waited for our friend Simone to show up.
Simone was heading over from London to stay a few nights with us.

Once Simone got to the hotel and hugs were shared...
we headed out to dinner.
We asked our hotel for a recomendation for dinner..
and they told us about Le Coupe Chou.
We had happened to walk by it earlier in the day and had
found it totally charming from the outside.
It was one of our favorite restaraunts that we had tried.
One of the deals that kim and i made...is that we were going
to try new things.
We were so glad we did.
We all started off with escargot.
Now....i love escargot....and really...it's drowned in butter and garlic..
so how can you not love it.
If it weren't for the snail shells...you'd never know.
{this is the point where apparently a scene from the movie Pretty Women
takes place. Like i mentioned before...i won't tell you who did it...
but there was a little incident when a shell went flying across the room}
Luckily...the nice lady who's glass of wine the shell fell into was not upset.
I ordered Pigeon for my entree....
but it wasn't till the next day that i saw how abundent these birds are in the city.
So much so...
that i kept thinking of the song from the movie
Mary Popppins.
"feed the birds....tuppins a bag.....tuppins..tuppins..tuppins a bag...."

to be continued......
And I'm first. Yay!
I am reading in awe and envy. Your photos are always so beautiful and I love reading along!!
This is like a good book, I'm hooked!
Your photos are beautiful too.
Can't wait for tomorrow!!
Beautiful, beautiful photos! Paris is such a magical city! Looks like you had an awesome time:)
first of all - you are hilarious! so enjoyed this post...made me think of my first day in paris...want to go back! can't wait for day 2! lovely pics...thanks for sharing...
Oh how exciting - Paris, Paris, Paris! Loving your adventures so far.
Sounds like a blst! Can't wait to read more! :)
cannot get enough of that gorgeous city- have been 3 times in the last year- thats the beauty of living in england- not my homeland australia for a bit! and to be honest i'd pack bags for the 3 kids right now- grab the hubby from work and leap on the next plane outa here...
can't wait for your next instalment!
Miss Sew & So
Wow. Your photos are amazing and your story to go along with them, awesome!
I'm sure I'll never get to paris..so, this is great!
Yay, you're home and we get to see the fabulous time you had! Looks amazing so far. Looking forward to the fashion post!
Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to read (and see) more. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
What fun! I can't wait to read more. Your pictures are beautiful and I really love the flowers. Oh - that mix of colors is breathtaking!
J'adore the way you tell a tale ~ and so happy to have you back!
LOVE reading about your adventures! I remember our first time in Paris (and even those visits after...) I always felt like I'm in a really AMAZING Disneyland where everyone knows to speak French and the "sets" and "props" are all done perfectly :) Can't wait to read more!
Fantastic to hear you had such nice times... It's great to be a tourist!!!!
How lovely...and what a romantic city. YUM.
I'm lovin' this post and that sign on your last photo..Beautiful!!!! Cant wit to hear the rest of the story. I will be here...waiting...waiting...~
i love chapter one of what i'm certain will become the epic blog entries of the season!!
love you little frenchies!
OMG, your photos are FANTASTIC!! Love them :)
And you have written this brilliantly, you are so good!!!
Bit upset I missed out on Jean-Pierre...you kept him quiet didn't you??!! LOL!
Sounds like a fabulous trip - I kept hearing about three women on the loose here in Paris.... Waiting for Chapter 2.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Just magical. That's the word that comes to mind. I can't wait to read more. :)
How exciting! thanks for sharing your gorgeous trip with us! I miss Paris!
Oooooh so lovely, I almost felt like I was there in the streets with you... I can't wait till you get to the london part so I can relive our trip through your eyes!
for a moment there i was sure i was on the trip too...*sigh*
can't wait to hear more
I am giddy sitting here reading your post! Can't wait to hear more!
Le Coupe Chou is my FAVORITE restaurant in Paris! When my parents took my sister and I when I was 16, it was the highlight of our trip. We went two nights in a row...and 8 years later it still holds a special spot in my heart. This post brought tears to my eyes!!
I guess you'll have to take the part about "France being out of the question" out of your profile :O) Love the pictures... looks wonderful! Can't wait to see more!!
Love it, girl! Drinking in your every word like the glass of Pinot Noir I would've drunk {drunk?} with you were I there. Loved your photographic tour and your storytelling, as uzh, was tres superbe. Can't wait 'til your next installment. :)
Seriousley, who needs to go to Paris??? When we have your photos, with a bit of history and a ton of fashion....can't wait to see the everyday fashion style of Parisans
see if I win, I get to go to Paris. ;)
So gorgeous...you lucky girl. I was there in 1998, I think it was 1998, and I had a big backpack and had to wear the same thing almost every single day. Tevas. Shorts. T-shirt. Bleh! I didn't look as beautiful as you ladies. Now that's the way to do France. Can't wait to see more.
Soaking up every detail...and loving your adventures in Paris:) And I have to agree, some of the best architecture to be seen is there. Beautiful, stunning photos!
So far SO good...anxiously awaiting chapter 2, or is it 3?
I was totally engrossed in the story and then you said..."to be continued"! Ohh...can't wait till tomorrow to hear the rest! It sounds so far like an amazing trip and love the little funny things that have happened here and there. Can we just talk about Jean-Pierre?!! Maybe you can throw another little photo of him in the next post too...:) Love that turquoise coat you have on...stunning!! Love it all!
gorgeous photos!! can't wait to see more, glad you're home safe & sound :) xo
Nobody tells a story better than you. And the photos are just icing on the cake. Can't wait till the next installment. It's all bringing back fabulous memories of my trip to Paris. Everyone must go at least once in their life. I hope to return someday. And I tried escargot while in Paris & loved it. But like you said, it's all that garlic & butter that makes it yummy. Until tomorrow......
Well it looks like a Beautiful Adventure with lots of Surprises. So Excited for you. I bet the kiddos were quite Happy to see you too. Can't wait to see more. Welcome Back to the Real World...Hey, how were those French Cigi's ? The Wine is to Die for isn't it? XO Jamie
Oh I can't wait for more! My sister, who lives in Italy, tells me that french women are all gorgeous. Is it true? I can't wait to see the fashion pics you took.
WOW!!! I had so much fun reading your post and imagining I was right there with you. You are so funny and such a great story-teller, understandable that you would have to sign on the dotted line at the airport...hehehe..Can hardly wait for more pics and stories.
lovely post Kasey! Looking forward to the rest.
I loved seeing all of your photos. My very first visit to Paris was with my best friend from high school and another girlfriend joined us from Prague. Being in Paris with girlfriends is simply the best!
So pretty. I studied in Paris for a summer term when I was 18, but I was young and poor :) I still crave the sandwiches from a certain cafe though, they had the most lovely honey mustard sauce and I'd get one on my way to language class. Yum!
And the flower shops are beyond insane!
Damn, I do wish you two could've made it to Toulouse. There are handsome Jean-Pierres here too you know ;-)
Beautiful shots Kasey. Enjoying hearing ALLLLL about you. Ahem, did I say that? Just kidding! But if you ever come over, warn me in advance so I buy a good trench coat ;-) You never know when it might rain when you're out in the street in Toulouse!
Fabulous post! I can't wait for the next installment...wonderful photos too!! Someday...I'll get there...:)
***sigh*** I am soooooooooooo jealous. It looks so fabulous :)
I can not wait until your next installment! Swooning over all of the photos. BEAUTIFUL!
I went last fall and your pictures are so much better than mine, it's like I've never seen the place....I am loving every part of your story and can't wait for the next chapter, I still remember seeing the Tour de Eiffel for the first time too...so magical.
I went in Oct this past year and seeing that we have similar photos makes me miss it so much! Loving every bit of your adventure and I can't wait to read more!
I dreamed that one day that I would go to Pars, and to read your story its just increased all the more..the culture, the people and the art! I'm curious as to know what sort of camera did you use to take the shots? Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Lovely post! awaiting the rest of the trip...btw converse are a hit in Europe this season!!
You look so fabulous in that picture of you on the cobbled streets of Paris!!! All of your photos are so wonderful *sigh* sniff, sniff I'm missing it!
:) T
you really got some great shots my friend. I am looking forward to getting home and seeing what I ended up with.
your friend who, for the moment wonders if she will have a flight on wednesday....
oh my gosh. i looks heavenly. i am pretending i am there right now. glad you had a wonderful trip.
Umm....! Thank you for letting us live vicariously through your blog, ha ha.
It's been 6 years now since my bestie and I went to Italia, we are long overdue for an adventure like this.
kacey, your photos are delicious! i am loving the way you are sharing your story...hurry up and post the second day...much more exciting than the pile of laundry i have waiting for me over there.
thanks for sharing it all.
Gorgeous pictures, what a great walk through your trip! Thank you for sharing! So glad you had a wonderful time!
Your book of Paris adventures is bound to be a best-seller! I am loving all of your photos and stories! When can we expect a sequel!?:-)))))
Hallo, Sweden here....
I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!
Regards from Agneta
Oh I love all of this already! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Beautiful photos and beautiful Jean-Pierre... errr I mean Paris...
Ahhh...I'm living Paris again vicariously through you! I went a couple of years ago and loved it. Didn't your heart go pitter patter the first time you saw the eiffel tower and the first time you sat in a cafe and had a cafe au lait with a croissant? I'm always trying to figure out how to get back. love reading your posts about Paris
Loving this! Your shoes are adorable - ok spill, where did you get them?
Can't wait to hear Day 2!
Ok, so I will be looking for a book of this trip on Amazon. What a lovely time you must have had....Ok I just read about the time you had. Your images of everything are just gorgeous!!!!!!!
i feel i am traveling in Paris with you!
Gorgeous shots Kasey!! I enjoyed following your adventure ~ and the snail incident! I am still insanely jealous that you spent so much time with 2 of my best girls ~ I cannot wait to see more and hear more!
Beautiful Shots :)
Love the music also, its wonderful!
Im following you now! Follow meee please! Thanks!
Lots of love lizzy :)
Beautiful shots and wonderful writing. You are truly blessed. Glad I got to see my friends in there as well.
Love,love ,love your pictures!
What a wonderful trip! Paris...{maybe someday}
I will have to pretend that I was there. Love hearing about your trip!
I will stay tuned to hear more.
I wanted to share a little news!
Having my very first giveaway!
Come on over and see.
Hope your having a fabulous weekend!
So glad you're sharing your mommy get-away - I'm wishing for one right now with 7 weeks of school left! I'm relishing your photos of France.
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
Thanks for taking me on a quick trip to Paris this Sunday morning. Loved it!
I just love the way you tell a story! I can't wait to hear more...
What a wonderful trip and you get to share it with your best friend! How amazing is that :) I love the way that you write, makes me feel like I am there...I am even laughing at all the right places and oohing over all the beautiful places you are seeing and ahhing over the yummy foods you are experiencing...well except for the escargot lol I can't wait to read part 2 :) Besos, Rose
ps...oh....and Jean-Pierre...ooh la la :)
I love your blog!! As for a name for your story (I am horrible at this): "ce qui se passe à Paris séjours à Paris!" (What happens in Paris stays in Paris)
Thanks, Pam
Lola B via Paris or Kasey does Paris! Ok so I'm not good at this name the trip part, but I love that necklace and other goodies.
Tres, tres fetching you are in that blue coat and pigtails! I dig it.
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