
I didn't know.....

I realize that some of you might drop me like a fly...

and i don't blame you.

It's been that sort of week.

I just want to say that i plead the fifth.

I had no idea that it was ILLEGAL to leave children unattended in a car.

I really only left them for maybe 10 minutes at the MOST...

to run in and grab a pair of shoes i had on hold.
I promise the kids had water...
i think think they did.

I was standing in line...

seriously...the LONGEST line ever...

only to hear one of the girls near a window say aloud

that there were kids in a mini van outside.


deep breath

run outside

run straight into a police officer.
I was so embarrassed.
I didn't know.

This is Phil....he works for
Child Protective Services.
He was nice enough to let me photograph him as
he wrote me up.
He didn't think it was funny when i offered him a glass of wine though...
it was almost five o'clock.


Reese said...

This has happened to several moms that I know, normal moms.
I'm sure he has bigger fish to fry somewhere.

Martha said...

Am I allowed to laugh? Because I'm laughing...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, am I missing something? Why is this funny?

Seriously, you didn't know what? I am horrified. Just horrified.

Jules said...

Oh dear! I do think you were very game to offer him the wine!!!

paige said...

you have some explaining to do!

i want to see the shoes....

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens!! As if we all haven't done it... I'd better be more careful, I guess. The wine thing is funny though, I hoped he cracked just a little.

paige said...

what a second.....

do i win something if im the first to call you out on your APRIL FOOLS DAY joke missy?

goddessof4 said...

I think as long as you have kids that are not toddlers,or babies you should be able to run in a store.I mean at what age can you legally leave them in the car for a few minutes? My 12 year old can watch my 7 yr old.What do you do when you have to pay for gas (without your credit card to pay at the pump)?

vintage girl at heart said...

was it casual Friday at CPS???

Martha said...

Okay...I was laughing because it was April Fools!!!! Isn't that the joke here...that's why I'm laughing!

Rachael West said...

Crap.. sorry girl (I'm laughing)Seriously??? CPS? Pretty sure that's jumping the gun!

Amy H. said...

As my daughter would say this is

Glamorous Girl Gone Goofy said...

You had me going for a moment...April Fools. Is that a sticker on the Misters shirt? So clever.

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

ok I'll fess up from all the way over here in Australia. Same thing happened to me when I left my little asleep in the car while i quickly dashed into a shop for two minutes. Wasnt charged but got a bloody good talking to. Never did it again after that not even for two seconds, we live and learn and luckily all was fine.
Alicia :0)
ps. hmph he should have had the wine though ;0)

Pink Princess said...

HAHAHA you got me until I read the comments about it being April Fools day. GOOD one though, very good lol :-D

I was going to post something like, OMG hope the fine won't be big etc. etc. Loved the wine comment too, hehe

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

pps. oh and happy April Fools to you too girl HA !;0)

Lulu and Co. said...

heeheee my hubby already got me good this morning with the whole April fools jokes.... had me thinking school was cancelled for power outage reasons... fell for it hook line and sinker! not this time :) hee hee

Mary said...

Ok, for a spilt second I almost believed part of this post...until I remembered Illinois doesn't have CPS...they have DCFS. Ha! Girl, the sarcasm in you overflows.

Have a great time in France, I am so jealous!


mimi charmante said...

It was nice of him to wear a shirt so clearly labeled so that you would know who he was. His hair is a bit of a mess though - did he just get out of bed to come see you?
Happy April Fools day to you as well my friend~
(five days!!! five days!!! five days!!!!!)

Mande said...

Haha...April Fools you crazy cool mama!!

Tiffany said...

Awwww.. you gots to get to France, pRoNtO! I can't believe he let you take his pic, Is this an April Fools joke?

Katy Noelle said...

I was just about to rant and rave! Two weeks ago, I got a speeding ticket for going 51 - 100yds from the 50mph sign. I DID slow down through town! I just sped up a titch early. They put those signs there on purpose just to catch people. Lovely fund raisers! Can't they pick on someone going 70 all the way through town??? I mean, really, there are a ton of them! Oops! I just ranted and raved.

You got me good!

Did you know that my pregnant golden had TWENTY puppies last night. I think that some of them are from a really big dog, like, a St. Bernard or something! Everyone's pretty tired out but doing fine!

Happy April to you too!

Simply Me Art said...

Last years was better! What happened to those Triplets BTW? April Fools to you too. XO

Jacki said...

Oh, I happen to know that guy really well. Really well. HE's harmless. I promise.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, with your "non school day field trips" and you drinking wine while taking your kids to the movies, this isn't so unbelievable.

Tricia said...

Happy April 1 you silly, silly girl. :)
Love it~

Melanie said...

You are too clever!

The only thing I could come up with this morning was telling my husband his car had been stolen from our driveway... not too original, I know!=)

Happy April to you!!!!

Ali said...

Yeah, I am sitting here with my jaw dropped, until I figured it out! Yeah, April Fools you silly lady!

Unknown said...

April Fool's!

(You can tell because the lettering on his shirt isn't the same size... Am I a nerd for noticing things like that?)


Annie said...

Ha ha this is hilarious! You made my day with this story :)

Deb said...

Great April Fools day story!

Anonymous said...

Yep. Really funny till a kid gets kidnapped.

Tami said...

Yea, right! LOL

Amanda said...

this sure beats the "i'm pregnant" april fool's joke thats been far overused. hilarious. :)

Kacey said...

Ha ha ha - Happy April Fool's!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
1 Funky Woman said...

Way to go! Very funny! I knew it was real with what he is wearing! Did you take some stickers and stick them on his shirt? You are awesome! So whats up with anonymous? I guess she is the perfect mommy and would never leave her kids in a car! Was she really horrified!

1 Funky Woman said...

oops I meant I knew it wasn't real!

Wendy said...

Kasey...I know you well enough that I know this is your April Fool's post...but I think there are a lot of people who don't. (Where were the triplets from last year's post when all of this was going on?)

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh golly! (did I just say "golly?") What is the legal age for that? I need to ask my Cop brother... You poor darling.

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

So sorry to hear . .

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

you're good. 2 years in a row of great April Fool's.


I didn't know the 'official CPS uniform' was khaki cargo shorts...see you turned this into a valuable learning experience. Thank you.

PS - love that anonymous person that was so 'horrified'.....way to back up your sentiment, anonymous!

Kimberly said...

Oh, you're good. Totally fell for it here. After gasping and reading the comments, I had to enlarge the photo to see the overlay of letters on his shirt.

Happy 4/1/10

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Well, that is the 3rd joke this morning that got me and I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet! Granted the first two were sort of link together. I need to use my calendar more, I never know what day it is!

Unknown said...

You almost got me!

see you tonight...wine in hand...

:) T

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I am just plain horrified! GASP!

Happy April Fools Day to you too!


I really do think it's illegal if they are under age 10 though. Maybe even older.

brockey said...

April Fools to you & all !!!!!!

Victoria said...

That was scary at first then really funny when I realized it was a joke! I did fall for it because it just happened here in So Cal. A woman left her 3 kids in a running car and ran into a convenience store. A transient hopped in her car and took off, with the kids. Luckily they were all ok but still....
Anywho, that was a good one!!!!

Little Emma English Home said...

Shall we believe it??? MMMMMMMMM I don't know but the story is really funny, as always...

Lora said...

nicely done :)

Kristin said...

ha ha ha ha ha....
You make me laugh! Thank you.

Brenna LaPray said...

Did you use a marker on his shirt? Who is this nice man....really?

Scrapamum said...

I love the comment from anonymous that is super pissed at you:

"Sorry, am I missing something? Why is this funny?
Seriously, you didn't know what? I am horrified. Just horrified."


traci said...

people need a sense of humor!!

Love the Decor! said...

Thanks for the laugh!!
Have a great weekend!!

Sa-Sea said...

that was great!!!!!!!!! i loved reading the comments! this just made my day!

Leah C said...

I sure hope this is an April Fool's joke...I'd hate to see you written up;) And may I say, you are good, so good. Two years in a row! The champ:)

Bonnie said...

hahahaha thanks so much for the laugh! You know you owe your kids for this one... cupcakes all around and more new shoes for the trip!

Happy April Fools!



The Little Red Shop said...

I was going to mention the bed head...but Kimberly beat me to it!

Happy April, Kasey!

: )

Julie M.

ps If someone from CPS, or what they call it in Illinois..really showed up dressed like your friend...I think you'd have a valid complaint against him for being able to see up his shorts. : P

Julie Harward said...

APRIL FOOLS to you too...for a cop, he sure looks casual..like he's already had the wine! LOL Come say hi silly girl :D

Danny & Desirae Sommers said...

Good one! I actually fell for it at first.

Haverford House said...

This is so funny! I posted a April fool, but not as good as yours!!! Thanks for the laugh! ~Marcy

Preppy Mama said...

I know its April 1st and all, but his CPS shirt gave him away! Very funny and clever!!

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

You had me going until I saw his Mont Blanc pen - don't think CPS can afford to give those out.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it was a joke, but I live in a very small town and no one thinks twice about leaving school age children in the car while they run into the post office or the grocery store for a few minutes. I'm not saying it is safe, I'm just saying we've all done it.

Pam said...

me: "honey, did you know it was illegal to leave kids in the car unattended?"
hubs: "what kids? Are you pregnant?"
me: "no, I'm reading this blog... look."
hubs: "wow. she really offered him wine?"
me: "holy moly, she has 65 comments, I bet people are letting her have it!"
hubs: "have your ever had 65 comments?"
me: "no."

Then I started reading them. Oh, Apirl Fools? LOL. you got us. good one! :)

Anonymous said...


Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Looks like CPS already hit the bottle before writing you up. HEE HEE
Your good!

Diva Kreszl said...

I am quite relieved to hear this was an April Fool's joke, I wasn't going to comment but as a joke it was really poorly thought out...suppose someone else thinks it's okay to do this? sadly children are abducted all the time, cars get carjacked, they die in overheated cars, accidents happen and it makes for very sad front page news.

cab said...

my goodness...it's a j.o.k.e. we're all adults. we can make wise decisions. sometimes we mess up. but this was for april FOOLS. classic! witty!

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

Uh, why is Phil in your house? Did they send the CPS to your house because you left the kids in the van unattended? Geez, it's not summer...they couldn't die from heat exhaustion. And if you had the keys there's not alot they can do but wait. Oh, well. Hope you didn't get a big fat fine! HOPPY Easter!

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

And APRIL FOOL to all who believed that CPS fella wasn't your cute hubby!!

Alicia said...

The shirt was my favorite part, so cute & yellow...with his shorts showing just a bit too much.
Best joke of the day!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok here in Croatia/Europe we do not have such a strict regulations, maybe we are even short on them, but seriously this is too much!
btw is it summer over there already? we are still waiting for spring temperature!!!


Debra said...

Clearly some of your visitors need to lighten-up and enjoy a little April Fools Fun. How can they go through life being so darn serious all of the time? You must be soooo excited -5 days! I am so excited for you ladies.

MommyLisa said...

I cannot believe anyone thought that was NOT a joke.


Angela said...

Agree with Diva Kreszl. You are all way to flippant to dismiss this as a "joke." Too many other funny topics one could use. Child safety is never a joke.