A simple life...

A thankful heart...

a thankful heart.
My family is together.....the five of us....
we are healthy...we are happy....
we are loved...and most importantly we are together.
I realize that there are a lot of families that are struggling right now...
with their health..
with loved one's...
with life.
My heart goes out to you.

My dear friend Beth ..of Beth Quinn Designs...wanted to giveaway one of her lovely pieces of jewelry....this necklace called "captured bird"....

All you need to do..is stop by her shop...then come back here to leave a comment telling me your favorite piece from her shop.....
Who are you..

vintage craving...
farmhouse living...
ruffle wearing...
I love my family....
my babies bring out the best...
they bring out the worst....
I help anyone in need...
not asking for anything in return....
I was brought up by two hardworking parents..
that are still together today.
Have you ever just thought for a minute about who you are...
because i know i still struggle...
and i know i'm not the most confident girl in town...
i want to be confident....
i know i can make decisions that affect my family..
the way i live...
the way i love...
and life.
I love a good one on one conversation....
so take for instance ...today..my family and i had taken a bike ride
to the park....
and while the kids played in the woods...
my sweet hubby and i laid on the park benches....
chatting away...
about nothing ...
about everything...
i love that we can lay there and we just get each other...
we are both comfortable.
Who do you live your life for....
is it to please other people... or is it to fulfill
the life you created...the life you are living..
which brings me to this...
i know mine is not...we have our struggles..our everyday tribulations...
as a matter of fact....
my husbands brother has decided to get married....
to a girl that the rest of the family might not think is the perfect choice...
but the smacker is ....
they have decided to get married in Hong Kong.
double gulp.
Seriously....have you looked at airfare to Hong Kong lately?
It's not cheap....nor is the hotel....
and i'm not going to tell you that on the invite...
there are four different events going on for the week of the wedding..
with each of them requiring a specific dress code.
Now i have a feeling that the reason that the wedding might be in Hong Kong is ....
the "girl" wanted it there because she didn't want any of my hubby's family coming...
i seriously think ...that she see's us as
trailer trash.
triple gulp.....
maybe if i decide to go with bryan...i can pull out my fake teeth and tell bryan that he
can grow his mullet out.
Holy schmoly.....how did i get this far....
i'm just wanting to say....that no family is perfect...
no person is perfect...
we all struggle ....
I am me....
who are you?
p.s. I finally figured out how to enlarge my pictures...i love when i figure these things out!
oh...and did you get to scroll down and read only the enlarged words?
Must have curvy legs...

it's amazing....
okay...you got me...i don't necessarily dust....i mean...i don't get out the feather duster....
but i do get out the ole swifter....
and run it over the hardwoods....
that i do.
This chair.....is one i picked up at my flea market a month ago.....
and i really didn't know where i was going to put it...
till i dragged it up to Lola's room.
I have been on the lookout for a chair with a little curve appeal...
because a girly chair must have girly curves...

with this was the final piece that i needed to complete it....
and don't worry...i'll show some pics of the final look as soon as i get her bed made..
because i am doing laundry as i write...
her sheets happen to be in there....
i don't know about you....
but ....
oh never mind....
do you really want to know that my sheets don't get
washed as often as they should...

with the curvy legs and wide seat....{sorta reminds me of myself}......
i'm just saying....

I also wanted to mention that i took bryan to see the beloved farm last sunday. He fell in love with it....actually.....he fell in love with the....
Confessions of a simple girl....

Oh.....hello there.
It's me kasey. You really can't see my face because i'm a wee bit sleep deprived.
I believe my kid ate too many germs ......he actually over indulged....
because i am home again this week....
with another pox infected child.
Which pretty much means....
no school all week
no play dates all week
no gym all week
i guess i can still go to the gym if i wanted to cart by big butt out of bed
at 5 in the morning....
which i've been known to do....
So...when fin came waddling into my room at two oclock in the morning...
i just knew something wasn't right....
especially when he said...
'mommy....i'm really itchy'....
grrrr......is what the sleepy mommy said...
then the light bulb when off in my head....
let's see....the doctor said ...between 2 and 3 weeks incubation.....
and here we are.
Anyways...i don't have much to say other than we had a new kitchen faucet put in
this last weekend....
and i had no idea how expensive those things are.....
and of course i had to have a pretty one...
and when i called the plumber to come install it...
he pulled up in a
Seriously.....the man that walked out of that car was not a
he couldn't be.....
and he had on designer jeans.....
tight...designer jeans.
I introduced myself.....
trying not to stare at his behind......
as he bent over under the sink......
i had to remember that Bryan was in the room too...
and he looked at me salivating all over the floor....
and rolled his eyes at me.
This my friends...is the story of a woman who doesn't get out much..
because of pox infected children.
{photo from Makool}
Dreaming of white...

last week and already finished with the mantel.
Can you believe it's only the middle of november....and since we never have thanksgiving hosted here
at my home...
there is no need for any turkey decorations....
don't get me wrong...
i love turkeys....
i might even have my own one day...
if i can get my hubby to agree on living on a farm....
which by the way...he has agreed to see with me.
So..keep your fingers crossed that we win the lottery...
i might even share some with you.

My kids came home last week to me stuffing marshmallows into this glass container....
so i had no worries that if any of them fell of the floor....
because we live by the 45 second rule in my home...
i know...
you all live off the 3 second rule...
but us...we like the 45 second one a bit more....
saves us some money....
like if one of the kids dropped an ice cream cone...
i'm all about saying....
take your time....no hurry....
because i'm not getting another one...
i have a feeling that's how my kids stay so healthy...
we eat our germs...
i mean...has your kid ever dropped an ice cream cone
on the floor of chuck e cheese......
we eat our germs....
i even think that the kids stay even healthier by eating
their own buggers.....
at least the little guy does....
and i swear he's only had one sick day so far.
Now me....i'm actually in bed right now...sick.....
and i have a feeling i use to much hand sanitizer...
and go a little crazy with the lysol spray.
But that's just me...

Love that dog...

If you've been around awhile...then you know the girl.....
the girl is named wren....
and she's about to turn a year.
The girls mom is one of my closest friends....so she asked me take a few photo's.

his name is fin.....
but on this day....
we called him dog.

who loves that dog.

Farmhouse dreaming...

i dream of farmhouse living....
but don't get the wrong idea.....i am in love with my house now...
i love my house...
i love it to pieces....
but a girl can dream....that i know.
I am always perusing homes that are on the market..
i peek in the windows...
i spy from down the street....
i've probably even been labeled as a.....
from some of the neighborhood watch teams...
but i'm ok with that.

i found this place...
this farm.....on 7 acres....
with a dairy barn...
did you know i dream of dairy barns.....
well i do....
i've been know to talk in my sleep...
and say ...
dairy barn
out loud....
yes...it's true

she fields my calls....
and puts me in my place by saying..
kasey...i could totally see a
lola b's sale happening in the
dairy barn
now...that's a friend

Sunday dinner club...

i've read about them......
i've heard friends talk about them....
but i've never hosted one nor have i ever been to one.
All that changed tonight.

one couple hosts an evening....
with the hosting couple doing everything....
from wine to dinner...to dessert.
I suppose you could have your children there...but in my case...
i guess i just needed a break...
you see..Mason has been home most of the week with Chicken pox.
{yes...he was vaccinated}
Did you know that kids need 2 vaccines? .....
well....the doctor never double checked his records....so here we were on Tuesday...and Mason came in
from playing outside...complaining that he was itchy.
so i told him......well....that's what you get for rolling around in those worm infested leaves.
Holy crepes { i totally could have said something else..}........
he took his shirt off and blisters all over his torso....
and of course....me being a *retired nurse* and all...just had to look at those puppies
to determine that indeed....it was
chicken pox.
where was i????
oh yes....
dinner club..
I needed a little bitty break from the kid....
so i got my sitter to take the kids to Chucky {vomit} cheese.

Let's meet for wine..

maybe a good bottle of wine....
perhaps....a cute outfit...
or a blissful friend....
but what happens when you throw all three together.....

what happens when you throw all these things together in the morning.....
and hand your 8 year old {who happens to be home with the chicken pox}...
the camera....

{and yes...we did finish off the glass of wine.....seriously....i'm a waste not want not sort of girl}....
and apparently so is my friend Christina.
I don't quite remember how i met her over a year ago........
but as soon as we started chatting...
i knew...
this girl is .....
she's a dreamer...she's a mother....she's a fellow francophilian...
she makes my wardrobe look like the bins at goodwill...
and i love her.
After i did my post on 'the new me'.....she sent me the most heartfelt letter...
letting me know that she will dig deep with me....
and i don't mean into the wine vault at Trader Joe's...
this girl is special.

A new me.....

young at heart.......definitely....
an old soul......for sure.....
but deep.....that ...i am not.
I take my relationships lightly......i don't know why....but i do.
my friend told me yesterday....
that i tend to tread water...sort of like skimming it.....and i had to think about that one for a bit......
and i think what it means is.....
i'm a surface person.....i skim the situation lightly....like i would a person.
who wants a friend like that.

I'm realizing that i want to be more....
i want friends that really care....not just pretend to care....
i want to be a friend that cares....
like when i moved here....which was a big move for us.....because i did not want to come...
but we had to......
and i drifted into a dark spot........and for a good 6 months....my marriage was tough.....yes....
that was the toughest six months together.....
i was sad.....i was lost....i was hurt.... i didn't want to be here.......
i was mad....
and the one friend i really thought would understand ....was actually hurting me the most....
or at least that's how it felt.....
and i didn't tell her.....
and because i'm a surface type of girl....i let the friendship go....
because i didn't want to hear her tell me anymore that i would get over it .....
i did get over it.....but it took a whole year for me to find my place here....
making new friends....making my house a home...
and even though i hated it here at first.....this place had grown on me.....
but i am realizing how quick i am to let a friendship go...
because i am selfish......
If nice things aren't said.....or there is tension.....
i pull away.....i back off.....
and i leave.

breaking off a friendship because i don't want to get hurt....
instead of digging deeper and actually working things out....
i'm also not a confrontationalist {is that a word?}......
{remember the story about me in front of a camera...}
i'm the same when it comes to having to confront a situation....
drool everywhere....
I don't want to be her.

The new me is about to turn 35........
and i want to be someone special.....
i want to be special to someone.....
i want my friends to love me unconditionally....
and i want to love them truthfully.....
and work out the kinks....the wrinkles.....the hurts i've caused.......
i want to be more bold ....to tell a friend that i am hurting inside....
but i also need the type of friend that can put me in my place....
and not feel the need to run.....
good bye old me....
hello new me.
oh... ...
Found: remember the search for plum boots ? well...i found them....at ...T.J. Maxx.....for only $30!! .....
and yes.....for $30.....they might acually be pleather.....but who cares....they are freakin cute.
pleather plum boots.......who knew.
Notes from a wife...

This is what i've learned.
1. When the hubby asked me to tivo the world series he didn't mean the poker world series.
2. When travelling by air...always pack your bag to bring on the plane...because hubby will never pay to have it checked through.
3.If in fact he has to pay to have your bag checked because the size is to big for carry-on, then know that shopping while on vacation is out.
4. If you indeed cooked a lovely meal and dessert, which the hubby just loved...then know...that in fact he does know that you can cook...and will want you to do this on a regular basis.
5.If you carry your camera around everywhere with you...then beware that hubby will think that you are taking photo's of the kids just for blogging purposes and not for the family photo album.
6. If this happens....then by all means ...go and buy a photo album and spend your time filling it up.

7. When hubby asks you what you did today...don't say "nothing".
8. Don't have your Anthro shopping bags laying around if you told your hubby that you weren't feeling well and needed a day to relax.
9. never tell your hubby that your period is really late even though he's had the clippity clip.
10. It is okay to end an argument by saying....Well...i guess i'll just go to Paris with my friends instead...
and you stay home with the kids.
11. When the hubby says " the gym called today and they are wondering why you haven't been in".......
he didn't mean literally....so don't really call them back......take it as a note...that it really is time to
head back to the gym.