
Artful Blogging....

Have you seen the new issue of 'Artful Blogging'?
Well..........................my little header of my blog made page 40.
Sara of Sadieolive did a Q&A for the magazine, and they chose a handful of cool designs.
I'm lucky to have made the cut, and am grateful every step of the way.


Anonymous said...

wow, very special, i like it.

Anonymous said...

I saw this just the other day.
Good for you.

Bethie - Chic Junque said...

good for you, my friend! Congrats!!

Leah C said...

Congrats to you! It really is a beautiful header...you must be so proud:)

Anonymous said...

I think your blog design is one of the best that Sara (sadie) has done.
love, love, love the colors and your music selection!

Simply Me Art said...

Congratulations! I Adore Ms. Sara she is a Savior for me. Your blog is so pretty, Im off to look around. Jamie

Free Art Printables said...

OH congrats! I dind't know you were so close to me in Illinois. Do you have a store front? Jen R

Free Art Printables said...

I just read your blog and looked around. I am a dope. I'll have to take a ride and visit! Jen R