
Au revoir...

I sit here at this moment at a crossroads.
I used to have this shop called Lola B's....it was an actual shop.....a brick and mortar....
and i loved her....
i loved being in the shop....
the smell.....
the people....
the craziness that happens when you own an actual shop.
Then fourteen months ago i closed the shop when i lost my lease.....
but it turned out to be a godsend because the economy had already started
to turn.....
and so i focused on my online shop.....
and started doing sales out of my carriage house in
the back.
I am feeling the tug still......the need to cut back....
because i have so many things going on in my life..
and want to focus my energy on some projects that
have presented themselves to me.

I still plan on having my occasional sales.....
starting back up in the spring...
but i feel the need to shut down my online shop...
most of you probably didn't even know i had
an online shop.....
because i rarely talk about it...

I don't know if it'll be temporarily...
i mean seriously.....
its been shut down for a few weeks here and there...
and i know you email me and want to know
what is going on...
so here it is....
the can of worms is being opened for you.
The shop might be closed for a few months...
or maybe a year...
i just don't know.

It's really hard being competitive in a market where shop owner wants to have their own look..
and i feel like i spend so much time trying...
only to find out that someone is carrying the same thing..
or found the same jewelry...
and even though my shop is all me..
and this is by no means an excuse..
but i just need to step back...
and focus my energy on some
exciting things that are knocking on my door.

I just want to say thank you to all who have made purchases over the last few years...
you will be missed.
Alright....so this is where a few of you will benefit from this little departure.
A giveaway!
I have so many items that i only have one or two of....
and since i won't be having a carriage house sale till the spring
then i am going to put together 3 boxes of goodies..
it'll be like an early christmas gift to you...
from me.
I can't tell you what will be in the boxes...or what it'll be
but it'll be fabulous..
full of Lola b goodness.
good luck girls....
there will be 3 winners.
*blogging and/or tweeting about it doubles your chances! ends 12/17 at midnight.


1 – 200 of 408   Newer›   Newest»
Heather of the EO said...

What an amazing giveaway!

Beautiful, beautiful things, and best of luck to you off-line...

Kimba said...

Oh no! But I totally understand the need to step back and do less...so maybe you can do more.

Good luck to you!

Kimba said...



Heather of the EO said...


Allison S. said...

I've only just recently discovered you (I know, where have I been?!) Your blog is lovely!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

Ack! I'd love to win! Thanks to Kimba for tweeting this giveaway. And, Kasey, good luck in your exciting future endeavors!!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

I retweeted!

Jennifer said...

I have friends who have have their own shops and have closed for various reasons - lost lease, back to school, daughter in college, loss of newborn twins - but what I've seen in all of these women is Strength, Love, Creativity and a Sense of Humor. One is now a teacher, one has her own shop, one is a mom and Montesorri teacher... I could go on but they never give up - so all my wishes are coming your way - to follow your dreams and know that people wish you the best in being You! Jennifer

linds said...

The need to step back and explore other projects seems to be the theme for many going into the next year. Holding lots of good thoughts for your coming adventures

Jennifer said...

Ooops - and may I be on your list of pretties and your give away...Jennifer

Jessica said...

Thanks to Kelleigh retweeting this, I found your blog. :) I can't wait to browse around and see what pretty things you have made! Good luck on your new endeavors.

Jessica said...

I retweeted! ;)

Anonymous said...

Kasey, I am sorry you are closing your online store, but I hope that the new adventures you have coming up will be great!

Christina said...

One door may close but another will be sure to open for you! Thankss for the giveaway!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Such a generous giveaway! Thank you so much. :) Enjoy this time of discovery--who knows what you'll find?!

Through Rose Colored Glasses said...

So sad! But I understand. And a leap of faith is a leap and it takes courage to do it! so props to you!

I am doing a blog post on your giveaway over at www.blondebell.com

Unknown said...

I love your attitude! I'm sorry you're closing, but i hope that you enjoy this season in your life and are refreshed! :)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Tweeted! http://twitter.com/thesweetpetunia/status/6700692961

Saranne said...

Best of luck to you in exploring new adventures!

Erin said...

I love your style, and while I didn't discover your blog until just a few weeks ago (so no shop) I can only imagine how lovely all of your stuff is. Thanks for this giveaway!

Mac & Fitz speaks... said...

I hope the new adventures/opportunities will be wonderful for you and meant to be! This road of life is so twisty and bumpy sometimes and the present is so foggy it's hard to see the big picture. Then the sky clears and you see it all come together. And it will. All the best to you and Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

Here's my tweet, too!


Jonathan & Megan Lenz said...

My friend Meredith introduced me to your blog a few months ago and I love it! I love you shop and hope you will bring it back once you feel it is right. Im going to blog about your giveaway as well. I will comment again when I do. good luck with your projects!

save the drama for your momma said...

Sorry to see you go.All your ideas inspire me...Best of luck.

Annie said...

I'm sad to hear this news, but I have seen the wonderfully creative things you have done on this blog & I know there is more things to come! Best of luck!

PS - I would LOVE that goodie box!

Becky said...

I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.
Hugs and Love

Our Family said...

Best of luck with your future endeavors! I really adore your blog, music, etc.

~Grace Happens~ said...

I am glad to hear you are are gonna set out and explore:) Your shop was all you, and if I saw similar stuff in other peoples shops, I would often think that they must have gotten the idea from you:) it really makes me sad when people copy my ideas too, as i try so hard to be unique in my shop, only to find a new shop that mocks my best sellers. it only makes me want to create bigger and better things. i wish you all the best and have a healthy and happy holiday season!

Leen said...

Best if luck to you and congratulations on having the nerve to follow the things that are calling you!

Thanks for the great giveaway too :)

Martha said...

Kasey ~ I'm so thrilled for you about what's in store...can't wait to see it all unfold:)

You do have truly an amazing shop...even with the difficulties of making it your own with what you carry. Blessings to you...

I will blog about this in my post tonight too...:) Have a great week!

Teri said...

Best of luck to you! The giveaway is amazing:)


Kacey said...

It sounds like you've made a decision you're comfortable with, which means it's the right one.

I know you'll do great things, no matter what. As always, thanks for all the inspiration.

Leen said...


Marci said...

enjoy your new found feeling of not worrying about a shop. we've cut back on things this last year and it took me a while to feel like it was ok to relax about the business part of things.

oh and i would love to win anything that you picked out, everything you have is beautiful!

2Belles2Beaux4me said...

I've felt the pain of closing a gift business. I'm sorry, but the freedom is a joy and I hope you see the joy soon.

Cheryl Connell said...

eek! Love surprises. Wonder what's up next for you???

Sounds exciting.


Lora said...

Oooh! I'm pretty selective about entering giveaways, but this one was a no-brainer!

I don't tweet. But I DO put a list on my blog. You're on it (the only one at the moment!)

LovesPINKandPEARLS said...

what a great giveaway! your shop will be missed!

count me in! and i tweeted...

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Wow, what am amazing giveawway but at the same time, I feel for you :(
I will tweet!

cMs said...

So sas to hear, but completely understandable!

I tweeted as well. @caitmccoy!

Kelli said...

How i wish I had found this site before today. it looks like the kind of stuff my mama loves! Blessings to you. Id love to win the giveaway . very kind of you.

Chris Nickel said...

Step back and take a breath. YOu can always go back online when you're ready.

In te meantime, yes I'd love to be entered in the giveaway!

Twig said...

Oh jeez...you and your amazing giveaways. Seriously :) So I'm officially entering here...and I'll blog and tweet about it too. Thanks, lady, and just know it's gonna feel amazing to breathe easier. You can always start back up again in the future! Yay for lifting burdens!!

here's my post: http://twigdecor.blogspot.com/2009/12/heyhey.html

And my tweet:

Good luck, girlie.

Jboo said...

Oh my -- you have so many lovely items! Throw my name in the hat too please!


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

That must have been a big desicion, to close your online shop, Kasey. Never mind, you will have another 'bricks and mortar' shop again, someday I'm sure....... and what a generous giveaway. Many thanks for the chance to win something from your wonderful stock. XXXX

Emily said...

I love your products! I'm sure these packages will be lovely. Best wishes on your new adventures!

Audrey said...

Best wishes for amazing new opportunities--and happy holidays!

Shannan Martin said...

Well, I can't wait to hear more about what's knocking at your door! Sure to be exciting.

And I don't tweet. I think I'm the only tweetless twit around...

Susan J said...

We all have to do what is best for ourselves and I am happy that you recognize when it is time to take care of yourself and take a break. I hope you find great joy in what is to come. Life is a fabulous journey and it seems you are already looking ahead. Best of luck with all your adventures.

Christy Segelhorst said...

Sad to hear you're closing your store but I wish the best for you in your new, exciting endeavors.

I know that whatever you put in the giveaway boxes will be fabulous. Thank you!

Shelby said...

good luck in all your exciting new endeavors!! thank you for the exciting giveaway!

Melissa said...

Good luck! I wish you all the best on this new journey in your life.

Suzann said...

I understand completely. Time is short and energy is precious.

I would love to be included in your giveaway and I will for sure blog about it.

Kori said...

So excited for the giveaway! I hope I win! Kori xoxo

Carrie said...

It's understandable. Can't wait to see what's in your future!

Unknown said...

A would love a goodie...your shop would always make me smile :) I say when things are a flurry and your pondering, your art or style is evolving. Embrace the change and let God carry you in your journey. Happy Holidays!!

Shelley in SC said...

Nope, I was one of those poor naive souls who didn't know you had an online shop. I'm a fairly new reader. I hope the "au revoir" doesn't also extend to your blog. I so love your writing style and soothing, dreamy pics!

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck to you! I am a blog-reader (so far), love your site, and would love to win some of your treats!

~Kristen~ said...

We all feel the tug to simplify and regroup at times. It is good for the soul. I would love to be entered in your giveaway, please!

J.J. said...

I am sorry to hear that you are closing your shop. I like to think of you as the original.
Take care of yourself...breathe and have fun doing what you want.

You are so gracious so share some of your magic with your readers!

Many hugs to you...I hope you feel better by letting the cat out of the bag. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I'm the anonymous from 11:24 ...

Crystal C.
(I'll send my email if I win!)

The Clines said...

I'm sure you will make the right choices and I'm positive the giveaway will be fabulous! Thanks for thinking of your readers.

Miranda said...

I'm SO sad you're closing the online shop, but I'll be anxiously and hopefully awaiting your return. Until then, I'll be blogging about your giveaway! Cheers to you and your upcoming trip to France (just came back from there...spectacular). x

Marisa Grunder said...

I love love love your blog and am super sad about you stepping away from your online shop but wish you the BEST of luck with your new projects/adventures!!

Marisa Grunder said...

PS I love your gray/grey master bath, its so yummy and the wall of mirrors is to die for!!!

Mary said...

Miss Kasey, you will always do fabulous things, online shop or not. Sometimes it is just time to move on, so good for you for being strong enough to decide which way to go with this fork in the road, as they say. Good luck to you...can't wait to hear what is knockin' at your door! ~mary~

Mikal said...

Oops... I don't tweet, but I just blogged about you this morning (and your shop). :( Sad to hear, but understandable.... how exciting to have new adventures!


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

I'm not entering, since I just won your last giveaway. (yay... still glowing from the win) But I'm just commenting to say that I didn't know you had a shop. I know that following your heart with these kinds of decisions will always be the right choice!


Kristina said...

I enjoy reading your blog - the way you write! How exciting a surprise giveaway!! Sorry to hear you are closing your store though:(
Hope the other journey will bring you happiness(not that you don't have it now!)

Gwynie Pie said...

Totally understand your dilemma. I guess it's all about investing yourself where it makes the "biggest splash". Those new doors that are opening could be really exciting.....

Oh, I'll be blogging about your giveaway.

Gwyn Rosser
The Pink Tractor

Rachelle said...

Sometimes we all just need to step away. I hope it works out for you! :) I'm sure it will.


shabbychateaugirl said...

I love your blog and wish a fellow mom luck in future endeavors. Please put my name in the hat for the fab give away. I'm hoping a new magazine is calling your name!

Katherine Sokolowski said...

I adore your blog, and wish you the best! Heading to twitter to retweet this as well!

Crystal said...

Yay! I love your giveaways...even though I never win! God bless with your new ventures!

Tina :-) said...

so sorry to hear your closing news...but totally understand. A new year is ahead and hopefully full of new goodness. Good Luck in whatever you decide!
...My wish is; Peace, Love & Prosperity for all in the new year.

Christy Segelhorst said...

I tweeted..

Kelly K. said...

Best of luck to you!

alee said...

Oh how sad --but I understand that this shop keeping stuff really isn't our first priority :)--
Blessings to you as you close this door...

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...


I'm so bummed. I LOVED your store! Checked it often because your taste is IMPECCABLE!

I will miss Lola B's boutique - what a D.R.E.A.M. to win a box of goodies...you know, help you take it off your hands!

Sending lots of love - and already saving pennies for a plane ticket to your spring show....


Tara said...

follow your dreams and that knocking door. good luck.

Leah C said...

So sad to see your pretty shop close...but I know you need to follow your heart...and do what's best for you:) Just promise us you won't stop blogging, too;)!

Rue said...

There's someone out there that doesn't know you have shop? Well, that's crazy!

I'm sorry you're closing down Kasey. I can imagine how tough it is to make that kind of decision, but I know you're destined for great things. You're too talented not to be :)

I'll tweet it and post it on my sidebar.


Tiedupmemories said...

There's always a reason for everything! New opportunities arise! Good luck with whatever you choose!

Jingle said...

I am sorry that you feel you have to close for awhile, but at the same time, from your writing, I think you are doing what is best for you and that is so important! Good for you for doing what your heart tells you to do!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

hana.k said...

I hope the time you take is refreshing for you :D thanks for the generous giveaway

Laura said...

How awesome of you! I know the goodies will be fabulous.

Lisa said...

What a fun giveaway! Glad to hear you are honoring what makes most sense right now for you!

Unknown said...

I have admired your creative arts from afar on your blog as well as others and am sorry to hear you will be closing your shop as I have not yet been able to purchase an item of yours, but as others have said, " as one door closes another will open" and with optimism, strength, and perserverance we always move forward. Blessings to you along your journey. I love reading your blog your are truly an inspirational being!

Cheryl ~Casual Cottage Chic said...

I know how you feel...having an online shop that offers unique "finds" is a challenge. I'm thankful for my loyal customers and new ones, and thankful I am able to also offer many items in a small case at a local (and fabulous) antique shop in Old Town Temecula ~ Serendipity.

I hope, hope, hope I am a recipient of one of your giveaway boxes :-) I'm sure it will be filled with treasures!

I will continue to read your blog...


*The Beautiful Life* said...

Isn't it funny -- when I read this post, even more than the giveaway, my thoughts are only "OOOH!!! I wonder what the new, exciting opportunities are that she's talking about!" ;)

I soooo understand what you want to do, regarding taking at least that one thing off your plate (the shop) so you can give "your all" to the other things.

You are a smart woman, Kasey (but we already knew that...) to step up and be able to say "you know... I think I'm trying to do too much right now..." We could all learn a lesson from you! :)


Linda K. said...

What an amazing person you are. And your creativity is an accomplishment all it's own. When a door closes, a window opens! Many blessings to you and your future.


Amy Kinser said...

What a great gift. Thank you so much for the chance to win some of your goodies.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

crabbygirl said...

I truly enjoy reading your blog everyday. Its like visiting with a dear friend!! Donna

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Kari said...

Hi Kasey,
So excited to hear new things are on your horizon... sounds very exciting! I have been meaning to call you, or comment, or something, but I just haven't been myself in a couple of months. Still trying to regroup after "the loss" {you know what I mean} and just not totally feeling myself yet. BTW, I am SO HAPPY for you to be going to France, it's a lifelong dream of mine also. I know you will have the time of your life and I wish you a wonderful, wonderful trip. I will call you soon, I promise. Or you can call me... do you still have my number? I think I facebooked it to you a while ago...

Thanks for the unending inspiration in your blog... I apologize for not commenting more, I'm just in such a weird place. But I read every.single.post.


bethchien said...

I wish you so much happiness in your new endeavors! Please put my name in the hat for such an amazing giveaway! Anything from YOU would be an absolute treat!

Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

I love your blog and your gorgeous pictures. Good luck on your new adventures!
Merry Christmas!

bethchien said...

just blogged about it!

April said...

Um no, not allowed. I haven't even bought anything from your shop yet. I look and think hey, but then I never do and now you are going to close and... So this is like an early Aprils fools joke right? Haha. I'm going to mosey on over to your shop that is still open because you aren't closing it and finish my Christmas shopping.

The Whispering Creek House said...

I wish you well..I greatly admire your talent and want to thank you for your giveaway..I would love to win! I think THE WHISPERING CREEK HOUSE would be a perfect home for your goodies!! Good luck to you and best wishes!Stephanie

Kimberly said...

Best wishes during this time of reflection. And the suspence of those luscious mystery boxes is almost too much :)

Dixie said...

Ooooh, I would love to win some of your goodies. Good luck to you!

Sheila H said...

Good luck with your new adventures!

Allison said...

We all need a break to recharge a soul and it takes a wise girl to know when she needs one. Best of luck with your new and exciting endeavors, your blog is terrific!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and may I say it is just beautiful. I love it. And this is a great give-away.

Darla said...

I so wish I would have known about your online shop. It appears that you have some very lovely items. I would love to be entered into your give-a-way. May God Bless your rest and restore your soul.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing what is best for you and your family. Best of luck to you :)

-Stephanie J.


Julie Johnson said...

Enjoy the time to breath again. I could save on shipping...I'm just down the road in Batavia! :)

Valerie said...

Thanks for such a fun giveaway! I'm sure whatever you would come up with would be so amazing -- I already love your blog, so a box of secret goodies would be amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with what lies ahead! Happy Holidays!

Michelle Hughes said...

oh enter me! And, good for you for trimming back... I think about quitting my job to help trim back... I don't think my hubby would be too happy though...

Have a Beautiful Christmas!

southerninspiration said...

Choosing different paths for a while is not bad.......you might find new things you didn't know were there by taking a different path. Good luck, and Oh How Exciting to be in this giveaway!!! ;0


Sharla said...

good luck! Thanx for the giveaway:)

Faded Plains said...

I'm glad your following your heart...and wish you all the best... in those exciting things that are knocking on your door.

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

Put my name in the pot , please. I have dreamed of opening a shop, but the folks around here think I am strange and I don't think I could make it. I just don't do fake flowers and lacey pillows...

Sarah said...

hopefully closing the shop will be temporary, but I think you're doing the right thing!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're closing your store. Your decision to do so will/can only lead to more creative and original Lola B's merchandise. I look forward to when you decide to reopen, until then have the time of your life in France!

~ blogged about your giveaway at floatlinefarm.blogspot.com ~

Jenny said...

I saw a sad little post from Twig about you closing and, Oh, I can feel your sadness in your writing. But if this feels like the right thing it will be the right thing. I think the days of being able to compete in a sweet little shop are coming to an end. It must be so hard as a small business person. And listen, if you have a lot of inventory and a little bit of energy I have an idea that worked some years ago for getting rid of inventory in this type of situation. I'll be glad to tell you about it but I don't want to intrude in your saying goodbye to your shop. I would love to be entered but it makes me feel, oddly, like I'm rummaging through the sideboard of your sadness. Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! What a sweetie pie of a husband!

Anonymous said...

Just don't shut down your blog - I so enjoy it! Virginia B.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your online store, but thankful for the goodies you are giving away!

Deb said...

A parcel filled with Lola b treasures sounds fabulous ~ Thank you for such a lovely giveaway ♥

Jessica Wilson said...

OMG, I just found you through a friend's blog and this so reminds me of that Movie "You've Got Mail" where she has to close down her little book shop. It's an awesome giveaway you are doing. As with everything, all good things come to an end, so more good things can start:) Love, Jess

Andrea said...

A box of surprise treasures sounds lovely. Good luck in your new challenges!

Mary (Mary's Musicology) said...

While I'm sad you are closing your shop I'm glad you feel you are making the right decision.

I love giveaways!! I retweeted. My Twitter is SLOTuneGrl.

Chablis said...

Oh man. Now I'm regretting not spending my entire savings at your shop, like I had considered once. I thought you'd always be around. :)

But I'm glad you are making the decision that is right for YOU. I'm going through something similar about homeschool. Now don't roll your eyes and say, "I figured it wouldn't last long". I'm not sure how long I thought it would last.

I'm rambling. And now I'm stopping. :)

I'm totally blogging about this. Too bad I don't tweet.

Chris said...

I LOVE your stuff. My family had a small shop in our town for over 25 years...we had to close because of the "big boys" -- the competition was just too tough. Folks still remark how much they miss the uniqueness of our items.

Bless you for being you...uniquely you.

Christina said...

I hope you won't stop blogging!! I LOVE your site and all your updates ... I'm one of those who didn't even know you had an on-line store. :o( Sorry ...

Good luck though!! And please don't stop blogging!! PLEASE??? :o)))))

Amanda said...

3 "grab-boxes," how exciting! I wish you the best in your "soul searching" and for whatever opportunities arise for you in the future- I'll be sure to continue reading about them here, you know it!

ChristanP said...

I know you said "girls" but I thought I'd add a little excitement to the mix and jump in :)

My wife would LOVE a box of goodness from you for the following reasons.
1. She loves your style.
2. She likes surprises.
3. When she sees the items on our shelf she will be inspired to be creative and remember the amazing store you have.
4. She spends half of her life thinking about others she can gift to and I'm sure even if I gift this to her, she will ask me if she can gift some of the things away to someone else. (So...in theory, your gift would keep on giving :) ).
5. She would think I'm the best husband ever! (ok, so that more for me, but still counting it :) )
6. Who wouldn't want to win this?

I hope these are good reasons to pick her :)

Cherry Blossoms said...

So sorry to hear that you are closing your shop but I understand the need to. I also have an etsy shop and it can get quite overwhelming at times!

CherryBlossomsdesign at hotmail

Cherry Blossoms said...


CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

Cathi said...

Good luck with your new projects - fill us in when you are able to! I would love a box of Lola B's goodness - that would make for a fabulous holiday! xxoo :)

MandS said...

I am sorry to hear that you are closing your shop but how generous of you to offer a giveaway. I love your blog, the music you put up her inspires me. Sometimes I open your page, and just listen to the music.


Unknown said...

Let me guess....

Lovely giveaway - beautiful items from the carriage house in the back? I will blog about it.

Rachel~Wildflower Photography Studio and Wildflower Creative said...

What an awesome giveaway! Your shop is beautiful and I will miss perusing it, but you definitely need to put yourself and your fam first...so I completely understand. :) Please enter me in the giveaway...oh, and I blogged about it as well. :)


Tamara said...

Kasey~ Sad to hear but very understandable! It is obvious that you have much talent and I am excited to see where you use it next! Look up...there are bright things ahead!

Angie said...

WOW that's a lot of comments! Sorry to hear your closing up shop but I understand that feeling of needing to retreat and switch focus.

Jenni said...

What a generous giveaway! Wonderful!
Best of luck!!!!

Mande said...

What a lovely thing to do...I am new to your blog but find it inspiring and uplifting. Love to read it and I am a follower. Hope you can continue to offer the pretties on-line again. Hope to win one of the wonderful prizes too. Thank you & best wishes for the happiest of holidays.

Unknown said...

Best of luck to you as you step back and take a breath and take a break. Your items are all so beautiful.

Kate said...

Oh I'm sad you're closing down your shop but I understand the need to step back. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. Thank-you for your beautiful blog.

Susan said...

Pick me * Pick me!!
Good Luck with the new things that are coming your way. I'm sure you'll be a success at whatever you do!

Amy said...

thank you for the giveaway..I'm a follower and a I tweeted it too!

My tweet:

AmyMiraflor Lola B is having a giveaway: http://lolabboutique.blogspot.com/2009/12/au-revoir.html

jared t. said...

I'd like to win for Christmas for my wife.

Jared T.


summertime said...

What a fun giveaway and a new chapter in your life! I've always enjoyed your blog.

Brenna LaPray said...

You know I love giveaways!! I can't wait to see what Kasey will do next.

Kristin said...

oh kasey girl i'm so sorry to hear you closing your shop...sigh...i've had the same tough decision with my brick and mortar store...but you have given me faith that whatever i decide will be for the best and that i never know what will come knocking...can't wait to hear about your new adventures! good luck!

farm blessings,

Unknown said...

I hope you get the break you need. Much love, Kate

Anonymous said...

I think that's great to do what you feel is right...go for it!!!


Unknown said...

Oh my a Lola B's giveaway of goodies! I'm quivering with excitement, seriously.
Good luck, girl, follow your dreams wherever they take you!
Just don't stop blogging...:)

Cari Skuse said...

Sorry to see you are closing your store! I am sure that you will have new creative outlets and more to share!

Unknown said...

I tweeted!

Chez Zizi said...

Very cool giveaway. At least you realize that you need this time for yourself. And BTW ever since you posted where your song "Fly Me Away" came from I think of you everytime I see the Kindle commercial.

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear your store will be closed indefinitely. I always liked your items and the look! I am jumping up and down hoping I can win this one as your store has been one of my favorites to shop and dream!
Best of luck in your newest ventures! :)

Diana said...

Sorry to hear you are shutting down the shop for now. It's nice of you to have a giveaway. Please include my name. diana.h@comcast.net

Sarah said...

I blogged about it here: http://prayerfuldrivenlife.blogspot.com/2009/12/giveaway-alert.html

Gypsy Fish said...

I just felt the need to comment...I am in the process of closing my brick and mortar right now...simply because of the realization that there is no way to quit the "necessary" job in an economy like this so to preserve quality of life I've made this decision...so, I just want to say I know what you're going thru...so be true to yourself and be good to yourself, preserve your creativity!...the universe will always give you what you need ...
{{gypsy hugs}}

Jess said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I am seriously swooning over the possibilities. Thank you!

Amanda said...

Sometimes a little change is just the thing, even if it feels like a sad goodbye.

I know whatever is in those boxes will be lovely. :) You have the best taste!

Unknown said...

We all need a breather now and then. Good for you that you are able to take a step back, regroup and possibly go in a new direction.

Would love to see what is in those boxes!!

malhgold at optonline dot net

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Sad to see you close your shop as long as you don't shut down your blog! Good luck with your new and exciting "things" that are happening.

Rachel said...

I just checked to see if your shop was open...I love looking at all your wonderful finds...I will miss your little shop, but in the meantime, I am so excited about this little giveaway...xoxo

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Just tweeted for you!

brockey said...

I retweeted! Sad but understand !!!

Jessica said...

I love your blog and look forward to reading it every morning. I am sure it was a hard decision to close your shop, but when one door closes, another one opens. Best of luck to you! Keep up the great blogging!


erin's art and gardens said...

life is full of changes...best of
luck to you in whatever you do! and i know it will be good...but please keep blogging as i love to visit here........

Heather said...

Over from Suzann's blog...

Sad to hear about your shop having to close, but it's awesome to hear how it has been a "God thing" for you.

Hoping things continue to work for the good for you and yours.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I'm sorry to read about the end of your online shop......I'm sad to say I hadn't even gotten to visit yet....Sometimes it's just time to step back....and it will all be Ok.... :-)

Please enter me into your drawing too!

I'm feeling lucky...

Warm blessings,

Lori W said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity! Beth Perry sent me over here. Best of luck to you! :)

Becky Garrison said...

I totally understand! Sometimes you've just got to stop, think, regroup, and decide what's next.

Count me in once, but I'll be back!

Becky Garrison said...

I've blogged about your giveaway in my 'Giveaway Corner' in my righthand column.

Tami C said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me! I LOVE your style.

LuLu said...

My thoughts for you.... whatever is knocking at your door now is going to be OUTSTANDING... whatever venture you do, road traveled will be a huge success! You my friend are a package of talent... from your tips of your toes to the top of your head! TALENT!
Merry Christmas,

Diana said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I love surprises! Best wishes in all of your new adventures, and I applaud your willingness to stop and breathe and do what is right for you.

Lindsay said...

This giveaway is so generous of you! Thank you so much! I love your blog and your talent. I wish you the best and look forward to see what the future holds for you! Hugs

Lindsay Lee

Anonymous said...

the pull and balance is the excitement of life...
best of luck!

Sandi said...

Oh I love surprises!! Please enter me too and thanks so much for the generous giveaway. Sorry to hear about your shop, but you will do well no matter what you do. :)

Lindsay said...

I twittered about this as well! Thanks so much and Happy Holidays! http://twitter.com/LindsayLee00

Emily {All You Need is Love} said...

Best of luck to you!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity!!

Caroline said...

All I want for Christmas is a Lola B package on my doorstep!!

Merry Christmas~

So excited for you and your upcoming trip!

Beth said...

hey girl ... sorry to hear about the closing of Lola B's but I know that your going to do awesome no matter what you do !! Things definitely happen because they are meant to be ..and if you listen to your heart it will lead you where you need to be .. Change is always a good thing althought its never easy !
big hugs !!
ps . i am going to tweet about your giveaway too ! xo

sweetpea said...

As a former shop owner, I can totally understand. You'll find your niche, listen to your heart. Would love to be one of the 3 lucky winners! Good luck and happy holidays!



Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Leave it to you to step away for a brief (I hope) reprieve in such generous style!

To receive a giveaway box from you would be THE BEST!

HouseLewisFamily said...

I've only recently found your blog, but I LOVE your style. I would love to win a box of goodies! Thank you for the generous giveaway!


she dreams big! said...

So sad but sometimes we just need to follow our hearts. If this is the end of Lola B as we know it, I would love to have a remembrance! Please count me in your giveaway! uffda_68787@yahoo.com

Lindsay said...

love your blog!

Ashley said...

Best of luck my dear!! I'll blog about it tonight.

Emily said...

Found your blog from a friend...good luck in your journeys! Love all your sweet things here.

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Here's wishing you the best of luck & many new adventures ahead! :) I'd love love love to be entered to win one of your goodie boxes!

Nancy said...

Say it isn't so. I love ALL of my Lola B treasures. I wish joy and happiness in your other projects :) I will be waiting at the door when you reopen.


mommyof3 said...

Good luck on your journey. I hope this doesnt mean you will stop blogging beacause I would be so dissapionted if you did. I love your blog!!

Rachel Carlson said...

best wishes for future successes. in time, you will be right where you need to be. cheers to you for making the decision, always the hardest part. happy holidays!

***LIZ*** said...

I hope you still find a moment or two to blog, I love your style and whimsy. Good luck!

Ashley @ AshleysBusy said...

I'm surprised. Yours was a shop I looked to for inspiration when I first started blogging. I hope you do continue to show projects and all your pretty things. And I LOVE a giveaway. :)

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

I would gladly take one of your Au Revoir boxes off your hands, Kasey.

jessie said...

I absolutely love your style. I would really love to win some of these goodies!

~Jessica Lewis

midwest 12 days said...

I loved your brick and mortar store and I loved your on line store. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you keep sharing all your little design secrets. Please host future inspired evenings! Ill be a guest next time : )

Have a peaceful holiday season.

Brooke Williams

Gretchen said...

Pick me, pick me! I love all of your cute little shop goodies!

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