The accountant took a look at the bottom line and pretty much told me......
I mean...can you imagine......all of us......mingling around my backyard.....
with pastries being handed around....
wine and chilled Bellini's being served.....
a small jazz band in the corner.....
it all got thrown out the door.
I even had all the invitations labeled and stamped...
all ready to be picked up by my famous mailman....
and i even had a babysitter all lined up for the wee one's....
but it all came down to....
the bottom line.

I am thankful....for having a husband that let's me be myself....
that doesn't care that i'm always asking ...and talking....and let's the wheels in my head go
round and round....
he let's me make our home into a place that let's my creativity blossom...
a place where he drinks his beer on white slip covered sofa's.
{i won't mention the feet on my pretty white painted table...}
I am thankful......
i am thankful that i have a sensitive...beautiful ....smart...and pleasure seeking boy named Mason. I am thankful..
i am thankful to have a beautiful...outgoing....strongwilled....girl named Lola....
i am thankful to have a ..stop you in your tracks.....smiling....loving.....could never do any wrong
little boy named Fin.
I am thankful.
I am also thankful to have you......
you....who tell me i'm normal when i'm pulling my hair out......
you....who listen to me talk nonstop about the little things....
you...who encourage me....
you....who shop with me....
you...and you....and you.
so we might not be having a huge backyard...wine drinking party......but we can have a little giveaway....
that, we can have.
The details.The scoop. The giveaway.
$150 gift card to Anthro....to buy your own pair of swanky shoe's. {one lucky winner}
$100 package from my little shop...Lola b's {one lucky winner}
$50 restaurant gift card {one lucky winner}
and a surprise little something for someone {oh..it'll be good..}
All you have to do....is leave a comment.
If you want to blog about this giveaway....i will double your name.
If you want to add yourself as a follower...i will double your name again.
you do not need to have a blog to enter....just comment with your email address.
Thank you girlies....
thank you.
{comments are CLOSED......winner will be picked the week of the 28th}
1 – 200 of 748 Newer› Newest»What a beautiful thought that party is though.
I could see it forming in my head as you described it.
Would have been lovely.
But I will indeed take a giveaway. That I will. :)
And what a beautiful thankful list.
I have to remember more often to think of what I'm thankful for. Reminds you of all the blessings and makes you less likely to be upset about the little nonsense things.
Good Lawdy, your children are BEAUTIFUL.
xoxo, pick me, xoxo
mrs boo radley
p.s. Will your new newphew have the name Cedar Leander like I suggested?
What a blessing to be able to be thankful for so many amazing things! I can't wait for 300 hundred more posts. (Oh and I love giveaways ;))
300 posts! Wow! No soiree? What a bummer!
I am so thankful to have found your blog! You are a highlight of my day. :)
When I do another post I'll mention your giveaway although I'm pretty sure everyone that reads my blog reads yours.
I can't even imagine 300 posts! But then I'm a beginner with a l-o-n-g way to go. I do love that I've found your sweet blog and have added it to my blog list...keep them coming sweet sister..and oh how I wish we could get together for that party. So happy for you and your's :D
I am a devoted reader! I check you every day on my Google Reader. Can I just leave my name for now, and e-mail you my e-mail address later if I win (Which I porbably won't because I never win anything. I'll give it a shot, anyway. Just call me the eternal optimist.)? My name is Ashley Huish. Thanks and congrats! You are so generous.
So much to be thankful for, who needs a party really. Every day I read your blog is like a party for me. You constantly amuse me with your humor, you make me laugh out loud with your uncanny ability to be find humor in the weirdest of things. What I love the best is that you are real, genuine, this is who I am, take or leave it. Congratulations on your 300th post and I can't wait to read the next 300. You're he best!
I am thankful that you share your life with all of us. That is what I love the most about blogging. It lets us all know that we are normal. Some just a little more than others. And you do have a lot of things to be thankful for. I would love to win any of the things that you are giving away. You are so generous. And you need to fire your accountant. He is such a downer. I want a soiree. That sounds so much more fun than a party.
Happy 300th!! heres to the next 300!! x
300 and still counting...that is super impressive Kasey. Love your snaps and love your sentiments even more. I would love to be included in yiour giveaway celebration, thank you. xv
alright doll...first off i loved this post!!! so cute!! and wow... 300 posts! that's awesome!! and your giveaway is soooo generous! count me in, and thanks for hosting...it was a lovely party :)
Kasey...well you know since I live so far away I really wouldn't have been able to attend the soiree...but the gift cards or surprise is perfect!! I am in! You already know I think the world of you and are one of my favorite blogs. :) You do have such a beautiful family and I understand the sentiment exactly of what your thankful for...I love my family! So...I am of course a follower and if I blog this I will come back and let you know. Have a wonderful day friend!
Hugs and love,
I'm sorry about your soiree being nixed, Kasey...but congratulations on 300 lovely posts!
: )
Julie M.
Happy 300th Post sweetie!!! I wish you many, many more ahead...I enjoy each and every one ~ I would love to be entered into your giveaway!!! I'm off to be a follower too! xxoo, Dawn
Great blog...and great music.
oh wow, 300 posts!! That's a real milestone! I've just edged past 100 posts in my own blog and I can't imagine 300 posts!
Congratulations from a new reader. :)
300! Very cool! Oh Anthro shoes...I am my own accountant but sometimes I wish someone else was around to reign me in.
Yeah for you Miss Kasey! Number 300 is big news! Sounds like quite a party on your blog. We'll all close our eyes and imagine the back yard soiree............
"Hello Kasey, it's so nice to meet you in person!" "Thank you so much for inviting me! Your home is so beautiful. The food is delicious, the decor to die for." "Oh and I almost forgot....Where did you get those ♥shoes♥?!"
And a fabulous time was had by all. ;)
Congratulations on your 300th post, Kasey! Wow. Your blog brings me much joy...and yep, I'm the one that believed the triplet story on April Fool's.
Sorry I missed you at the Country Living Fair!
Thanks for sharing your life with us! It's so wonderful to get to "know" you!
I'm so sorry you could not have your backyard party,It sounded so fabulous.But like you said,you have lots to be thankful for.If we all just stop and think about what we have it would be great.I'm thankful for all my blogging friends.You have a wonderful blog. I'm also having a givaway.Its not to late to pop on over and throw your name in the hat.The drawing will be tomorrow on Sept 25.I'm glad I found your blog.XXOO Marie Antionette
I was ready to run out and buy a plane ticket as I would love to come to your wanna be soiree! Next time maybe ~ congrats on 300!
Congratulations on 300 engaging and thoughtful posts. You have a rare talent Kasey and I'm glad you took up blogging so that we could benefit from it. Thank YOU.
I secretly follow, does that count?
I'll post this on my side bar, because I'm taking a bloggy sick break.
Oh and the soiree sounded fabulous, but I'm more than happy to drink a toast in your name here at home ;)
great giveaway and great blog!
it's great to have so many things to be thankful for. you do a great job and you make us smile! thanks for being so generous with your giveaways. xo
Hey Kasey --
Congrats on your 300th post!!
Love to read all of your great stories & I AM going to make it to one of your sales sometime :)..
I'm off to blog about your giveaway!
Congrats on three hundred posts. Your blog starts my day!!!
What a pity your party was nixed. It would've been so fun :)
Congratulations on your 300th post! Keep 'em coming!
I read your blog often! Congrats on #300!
Congrats! I love starting my day off listening to your lolab tunes and checking in on your blog.
Can I tell you how fun and real I think your blog is and how much I just dig it?
Happy 300th post day!!!
P.S. I don't have a blog, so it's mrsgarageflower@gmail.com
Well, of course I want to enter and win on your blog. Your the tops to me. Definitely in the top 3 blogs that must read each and ever day. Congrats. You are blessed and you bless many each and every day and for that I thank you.
e-mail? olive.garden@gmail.com
I just love give-aways!! Yeah!!
I follow the blog regularly and I'm one of those twitter people too!
No blog...maybe one day.
Congrats on 300 post wowoooo, you always share such wonderful pics and inspiration in your post. Thanks for sharing
enjoy the adventure!!
Peggy Lee
Girl, you know how to host a giveaway! This is serious.
Congratulations on 300 posts! I am thankful that you write from your heart and make us all feel a little more normal! Keep it coming, Kasey!
Congrats on the 300th post! I'm glad you have such a blessed life and share with all the rest of us! I am now stopping by just to see whats'going on in your wonderful world! I'm sorry about not getting to have a party...but the give-aways rock too! Have a wonderful Day...Blessings to you...dj
I love your blog! I hope there are many more to come.
Oh my gosh! I think this is the biggest..bestest {not a word} giveaway ever! Can friends win?...oh good..cause I really want that giveaway~ Thank you
I LOVE the shoes you just purchased at Anthro!! I LOVE shoes in general! You are always so generous with your giveaways...awesome!!
I don't know if I've ever commented here before, but follow your blog everyday. I love your home and your boutique!
" and if you do a blog post entirely about me & how i clenched the homecoming queen crown all because of your fantastic campaign
than you will be entered 10 times!"
oh wait
i've already been rewarded.....
congrats on your 300th post! you are amazingly funny, witty and most of all real! i love your blog! that party sounded fabulous by the way - darn accountant!
please enter me in the giveaway, we all can use another pair of shoes :) I read your blog everyday, gives me a smile at work. p.s. congrads on your 300th post..
thank you
WOW, 300! Way to go! I have to say to, you always have the best giveaways!!!!!
I Love your blog!! I enjoy the reality of your blog. Can relate on so many of your posts. Thanks
I think that we should be thanking you for such a brilliant blog and for being so open and honest.
WOW...300 posts...I'm only up to about 45 and that was a little stressful, so goodness knows how you get to 300....I am in awe.
Congratulations and many thanks for the most generous giveaway...I don't know if we British people can be in it but I'd love to be included if it's possible. XXXX
Pretty awesome giveaway girlie!! Congrats on your 300th...keep 'em coming!!!
No soiree, darn...can we still drink wine in the garage though, or at least the closet?!
:) T
Well, my dearie...congratulations on 300 posts. I am disappointed that I can't come to a soiree in your very lovely yard and see your very lovely home again. But I'll keep my fingers crossed on the giveaway, my most stylish friend!!
Here's to 300 more!
Oh I would have loved to attend your soiree but will settle for entering your fabulous giveaway - I became a follower (finally) and will blog about your giveaway today - it is just too good. You are sweet. I got the same shoes you did at Anthro last week so I will have to choose something else when I win!
I so love your blog and every post. Congrats and here's to another 300! (Can you here my belini glass clinking)...
Thanks for the giveaway :)
And I am grateful that you have such a generous gift giving partying personality. Congratulations on your 300th post.
N. Naylor
Three hundred? Girl, that *is* reason to celebrate big time! Heart you and your blog~thanks for always keeping it real. A soiree would have been fab, but a pair of anthro shoes? Yowza! :)
Oh, and I am so a follower :)
Happy 300! Isn't it great to have so much to be thankful for? So glad that you blog, what an inspiration! Those kids are just gorgeous! I am sure the soiree would have been nice, maybe next time! Here's to the next 300! Have a lovely day!
So sorry about the soiree. I know I've had plenty of those nixed in my life! But a giveaway is just as sweet...mama NEEDS a new pair of shoes!
Oh my. No party. Well, just to show my support and encourage you (because I am just that way), I will buy a new pair of shoes today, open up your blog again this afternoon at 5 pm, and have a glass of wine and celebrate with you in spirit your 300 posts!!
That soiree sounds quite wonderful! Accountants never let us have any fun! LOL! Congratulations on your milestone! That is very exciting!
And...Of course I am a follower! I always enjoy your blog!
So happy and thankful to have found your blog and to follow along! Have a great day! You have a lovely family!
What a sweet post. I'm thankful to get to read your thoughts. Congrats on your 300th post! (Love the name Mason... It was my top fave, but the hubby vetoed it.)
Hi Kasey,
I read you blog everyday and have a link to Lola B's on my blog. My blog is a sad little thing still - only a few posts. I just run out of time to jot down my thoughts sometimes. But I'm working on it!
You know I want those Anthro shoes - so please pick me!
Congrats on 300 Kasey! Here's to the next 300 (I'm raising my coffee mug). What a generous giveaway, please put my name in.
I look forward to reading each new post you write. Your style of writing is so refreshing and thoughtful. It's as if you're having a conversation with each and every one of us.
Your giveaway is amazing! I love Anthro, I love your shop, i love to eat, and i love surprises. I would be thrilled if i was lucky enough to win any of those!!
Congrats on your 300th and i look forward to reading 300 more!
I am now a follower...excellent blog...lovely...what an awesome giveaway.
Congrats on the 300th post...WOW!
I adore this post and happy 300th post!
Okay, I'm down for a comment and a posting. Do we get credit if we already follow you? You know I would follow you anywhere oprah, oh, I mean Kasey...
Happy 300 Kasey! and to think I have read each one :)
I love your point of view and refreshing realness.
Does that make sense? ha.
Happy 300th!! I love reading your thoughts and ideas, here's to the next 300 cheers!!
Your Mason looks so much like you. Congrats on 300!!! Wow - that is really something. Always always love it here so keep it coming :)
Ohhhhh, how fun...pick me!! =D
P.S. Happy 300th!
Congrats on 300! Love reading your posts.
What a lovely post! (Your oldest and middle sounds like they have the exact personalities of my 1st and 2nd. Here's to hoping that #3 is all Finn!)
Big Congrats on 300th post!
I am a follower of your blog and read it everytime you post...The part was a wonderful thought but I also think your giveaway is quite generous also...
Congratulations on your 300th post...and what beautiful kiddos you have! Your blog is lovely. I can feel your spirit through it...which is impressive! Also blogging about this and following you now! So, triple?! Ah, the greed kicks in! Best wishes, Ama
congrats! ok, any party your throwing im coming!
Your blog and your boutique are beautiful. Here's to 300 more inspiring posts. stephaa(at) hotmail (dot) com.
oh ya! i am a follower too!
congratulations kasey. what a beautiful post.
You don't have to put me in your giveaway because we don't even have Anthro here - I know, how is that even possible!! - but I just wanted to say that I think you are one fabulous girl.
There are some people in your life that you meet - in all kinds of circumstances - and you just think (or at least I do)....."I wish you lived next door to me because I know then that my life would be fuller/better/funnier/happier....just more in so many ways"......it's a secret award I give (just in my head, I never actually tell people).....you are one of those people....absolutely....imagine if I had you on one side and (Mimi Charmante) Kim on the other.....how heavenly that would be!!!!
Thank you....and congratulations on 300 posts :)
Simone xo
Congrats on the 300 mark!! (I can't imagine how long I have....maybe another 2 years??)
your world is lovely!
Congrats on 300! Your blog makes me happy, what a sweet list. I'd follow you again if I could, but I already follow you!
Just introduced to your blog through Mimi. And a giveaway? How could I resist?!
Hi Kasey , It's so nice to meet you. Kim ( Mimi Charmante) has a post about your Generous give away and I found my way here. I think I will stay and read up on what I have been missing. Everything looks beautiful. Thank you for entering me , Sue
Congratulations on 300 posts! I have read each of them :)
Oh what a soiree that would be...if it could only be! 300 posts, wow, congratulations:) We should be thanking you for inspiring & entertaining us with all your posts. Don't ever stop writing, Kasey:) Hugs to you from a faithful follower who will definitely mention your giveaway on my humble blog!
What a wonderfully generous giveaway Kasey! Congrats to you on your 300th post! *Wow* Cheers! :)
Beautiful family! Beautiful blog! Generous Giveaway! Thanks and Congratulations!
Take care, Laura
Congrats on 300!!! I would love to come to your house and party and plunder, haha, but here's hoping I am a lucky girl this week and that my name is drawn.
I have blogged abt. your giveaway at missmollycottage.blogspot.com, and become a follower, anything else I can do? heehee
hate it that there is not backyard party..but WOW what a fabulous giveaway!!
Congrats on 300 posts!
thankful indeed..you are truly blessed with a lovely family...
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway! I loved reading what you're thankful for. Those kinds of posts always remind me of my many blessings. Thank you!
Here's to a wonderful party when the bottom line allows it! :)
Thank you for the chance to win such great prizes!
I am a follower.
300th post - Wow!! congratulations....I just adore your blog - it's wonderful! Please enter me in the giveaway...I became a follower and I am going to blog about you on my blog - http://everydayadventuresofacuriousgal.blogpsot.com.
Those are going to be some very happy winners! Hope I'm one of them!!
Say, will you do a double entry for existing followers, too, or only new ones? Just curious!
Hi Kasey!
Congrats on 300 posts! I look forward to reading them each day. In fact, I get a little bummed out when you take the weekends off. : )
Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway!
Jennie W.
Wow, i would love to come to your party... sounds fabulous...But I will take the giftcard!
Silly accountant!
Love your blog! I check it every day. Loving this giveaway as well!
Congrats on 300 :-)
What a beautiful post-thanks for reminding us of all of the rich blessings we each have in our lives-so easy to take them for granted sometimes. Thank you for the opportunity to win such amazing gifts. I am hoping to be blessed with one!
you're so darn funny. Don't worry I don't miss the pastries.
You have a charmed life sweet one. :)
I would love to be entered in your give away, and would love to win the anthro thing, because shoot dang it, I have never been there or been able to buy anything there. :) pitiful me.
Congrats on #300! And since I do adore and wist after those new fancy shoes I just must enter myself in this little giveaway. Thanks for always opening up your home and family to all of us readers. I enjoy your stories. They are touching, sentimental, and often funny too!
The party sounds just delightful, but the giveaway is a decent substitute :o)
Congrats on your 300th post. What a beautiful entry.
Congtats on your 300th post! In lieu of your party, I will raise a glass of wine to you! Your blog is great and you made me smile when you talk about your husband and the talking and asking...I often wonder what mine is thinking when I ramble onnnnn!Please enter me in your sweet giveaway!
Congrats to you! Enter me in!I love celebrations!And being blessed myself with such a great hubby and kids..I know what that feels like too!Congrats again!
you rock!.....heres to the next 300.....
Soory to hear the part is canceled but it's awfully nice of you to have this giveaway! Please count me in and I will now be a follower too!!!
those are some sweet words there lady! I was so frustrated last night as i couldn't enter the giveaway from my Iphone, at like 12:30 right after you posted it.so now i am now and have a good feeling about it!
I'll be toasting to you tonight to early for wine!! So happy for your achievement and how many lives you touch by your fabulous blog! Thank you for taking us on the journey with you,
Can't wait to see what you do when you reach 600!!!
Kasey - you are a true original. I am forever changed because of YOU and your blog - you inspire me, encourage and make me laugh - and I just adore you TO PIECES.
CAN NOT wait till the day we can sip wine and laugh...and laugh....I see that in our future....
Congrats on 300. You are FABULOUS.
i love your blog! you are so inspiring and what fun giveaways! thanks!!
Sorry your wonderful party idea got nixed...bummer. But how fun for all of us FOLLOWERS!! Now we get a chance to win!
So excited to be a part of your generous giveaway. Love you blog.
Congrats on your 300th post!
Thank you for being you.
I'm already a follower so does that count? :)
Awesome giveaway!
hey! great blog! the 300th post is very impressive =)
Oh, please do pick me. I hope to one day very soon have a blog but for now will just sign up as a flower. Congrats on your 300th post.
Your blog is amazing, love your kids names, they are beautiful!
What a beautiful Thankful list. I love your blog and this is one of my favorite posts. Bummer about the party, I already have my party dress on!! Please enter me into your lovely & gernerous giveaway, I'm already a FOLLOWER also.
You are too cute, girl. :) Next time I'm in the area (who knows?), I'll drop by and we can make our own party. ;)
being thankful is a blessing, seems you are very thankful, life is to short not to enjoy the little things. I love your blog music and your post keep up the good work we all enjoy it....Doreen
once again, I love what you've written. I want to cut and paste it onto my facebook page (ha ha) because sometimes I think you speak for me. I think what you say but don't know what to express it. Love ya---the crazy hugging girl from Tennessee, Christy Donoho cvdonoho@yahoo.com
I enjoy following your blog :)
What a beautiful post. Congratulations on your many blessings. Thank you for reminding us all of what truly matters.
Congrats on the 300th post!! You are such and inspiration to me, I read your blog every morning! I will do a post later this afternoon on my blog..
BTW thanks for being the first follower!! You are too stinkin' sweet!! Never imagined I would have someone famous find my little blog!!
Totally bummed about the soiree; can't you just image us all in THE anthro boots kicking back...sigh...
thanks for the wonderful giveaway though!! Maybe next year!!
Aww, mean accountant! The soiree would have been wonderful.
Happy 300!
Congrats on 300! Love your blog,I'm already a devoted follower and would love to enter your generous giveaway.
Thank you!
P.s. Became a follower and will be posting about this fantastic give away on my blog ;)
okay girlie , i was dreaming of even making the trip there for this event, shucks- anyways, i am going to go blog about you too - so please add me twice !!!
Congrats on the 300th post!
Your party did sound devine, im sure there will be another time..:)
Take care..
What a great giveaway! Love, Love your blog! Thanks for sharing!
This momma could sure use a new pair of shoes to dance through her day. Fingers crossed.
Too bad we can't have that party, it would have been fun :)
Love your blog!! So happy to have found it!
I will follow you.... follow you and whatever you blog about...
there isn't a post to long...or a topic to long...
Sing with me...
That would be A LOT of people in your backyard! You (and I) truely have A LOT to be thankful for! And I am thankful for YOU! You are fun, inspiring, and a sweet blog friend! Happy milestone!
wowza...300!! count me in and add me as a follower!! love your blog so much. congrats!
You have a blessed life, but I must tell you, I am thankful for YOU. I look forward to reading your blog every morning and although I have never met you, you feel like a long lost friend...thank you for being you!!!
My goodness, you are very generous with all of your giveaways...maybe this time I will be a lucky winner!!! Have a great day my dear!!
HOLY 131 comments!! I just wanted to stop by and say CONGRATULATIONS!!! And, I was thinking about you A LOT yesterday because we hacked Ash's hair off!! I remembered how hard the decision Lola made to grow out her hair was...I felt stronger knowing I wasn't the only one attached the vision I had of my child :)
Congratulations! You are Blessed! I'm so Glad there is someone out there that Talks more than I do!!! Too 300 more..xoxoxoxoxo, Jamie
I blogged about your giveaway and become a follower too. Thanks for offering such a fab giveaway!
what a fabulous giveaway,Kasey.
how very generous. please count me in..... xxxx
You're right, you are truly blessed. Thank you for the always inspirational blog posts! I would love to attend one of your parties one day....
you have my email... and my blog... and my facebook acct. :)
300 posts, wow wee....you rock girl! Cheers to 300 more posts...!!
Kasey, Congratulations! I love your blog. Thank you for the awesome giveaway.
Congratulations on 300! What a beautiful post - there is a lot to be thankful for in life!!
I very much enjoy reading your blog. Congratulations!!
Wow - how exciting to reach 300! I've also JUST become a follower (no kool-aid ok? - lol)
wow...just found your blog via...(can't remember who) and it is truly lovely. thank you for sharing your life with us...and I grew up in Elmhurst, not too far from St. Charles...what a fabulous giveaway- hope I can do as well at my 300th!
I visited my first Anthro store last month. Umm... heaven with shoes? I will definitely enter for a chance to win. AND continue to read you. (Think I've been around since your 100th post?!)
LOVE-LOVE-LOVE that you keep it REAL!
What a great giveaway! And as always I love to read your blog.
Congratulations on #300! You're an amazing lady and you have such a beautiful family. When I found your blog I couldn't stop reading it(I won't tell you how late I stayed up, it's embarassing). I'm so sorry you won't be having your soiree, that would have been so fun! Thank you for a such beautiful post!
congratulations, kasey.
thank you for always sharing the most unique pieces of yourself and your family...i find your inspiration to be endless and uncomparable.
can't wait for the next 300 hundred...
ps...your mason looks just like you...he's a doll...
congrats again, rebecca
It is a bummer about not having the party but the wine can still be had. I think we all know by now that we can celebrate with a little 3 buck chuck from Trader Joes!
Congrats on your 300th post
Congrats!! Pick me !!! Pick me!!!!
300 posts! WOW! And every one entertaining and fun for all of your followers. We are glad you are there.
A good reminder to be THANKFUL!!!!
LOVE, LOVE LOVE your blog, always the 1st one i check...i just can't get enought...thanks for writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I've never commented before, but I have read your blog for quite a long time! I love it; I also love looking at your beautiful children.
I would absolutely ADORE winning one of your giveaways! And, I would also have LOVED attending your soiree, if it had happened.
wow...you are generous and i am so thankful to of found your blog! i've been a follower for a while now and just absolutely love reading your posts. they make me smile :) thank you!!
You have inspired me in more ways than one. Thank you. Happy 300th!
Congrats on the 300th!
You are INSPIRATION to many! :)
I'm a follower - just started that - thank you and am getting ready to do my blog post for your 300th post - congrats to you! Enter me a whopping 3 times please - then pick me while you're at it!!
Have a good one!
Congratulations on your many, many postings! I love reading them... I especially love your closet and am green with envy.... Can't wait for the next 300! <3
Kasey- I've been reading your blog for quite some time and thought I already was a follower, but apparently not, but now I am. :-)
What a generous giveaway you're offering, please enter my name into the hat.
Congrats on 300 posts!!
no way! You are wayyyyy to generous!
Um, holy cow! One of the best giveaways ever!! I just found your blog and I love it! Thank you!
ooh, ooh! pick me! just became follower, too! :-)
So many things to be thankful for - & how wonderful to remember to be thankful & savor the moments!
Been reading through google reader for sometime but officially becoming a follower now!
Sorry about the party but congratulations on 300 posts! I already am a follower and I'd love to be entered in your generous giveaway!
Your blog is such an inspiration...sharing touching stories about life, love, kids and ideas...congratulations on #300, I can't wait to see what the next 300 are like!
WOWZA! WOWZA! WOWZA! What a GREAT giveaway girlfriend... I am a bit confused though... I thought you were on some sort of spending restriction?? I won't tell him if you just hand over the Anthro card ;) I was so excited about the giveaway that I went straight to my blog to post about it and yes i almost forgot to leave a comment hmmm... imagine that.
Have a great day!
oh please might I win! I have yet to win anything in this big ol' bloggy world.
PS. Fin is my favorite new name. I must have it for my next boy.
Hello there. I just found your blog today and before I even knew you were doing a giveaway, I could tell that I wanted to become a follower. Does that ever happen to you when you first go to a blog? Sometimes you just know within seconds. Anyway - I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with this blog - haha. Take care and good luck to everyone!!!
I've been waiting for this post!! Here come the 500+ comments!!
I'm thankful for a friend like you Kasey.
I truly enjoy your blog........your words, photos, style, humor, shop, truth! Thank you for sharing it all with us! You are a lovely.
* will give you my email address if I win a giveaway. hope that's okay. ;) thank you!
congratulations on your 300th post, your blog is very real and inspiring.
Darn about the party....but, GREAT giveaway!
I became a follower too, yay!
I just recently "found" your blog and am delighted to toss my hat in the ring for your wonderful giveaways! I'll add you to my list of Blissful Bloggers, too :-)
congrats on your 300th post!
reading your blog each day is gift enough. you are sweet, and generous :)
Posted your giveaway at my new blog -- so inspiring -- http://northerncottage.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveawy-from-beautiful-site-lola-b.html
I don't know if we were supposed to make separate comments when we followed.
But I'm not following your blog, have been meaning to anyways, for days now.
I don't have a blog but I love reading yours!
What a wondeful giveaway, I love reading each of your posts! Look forward to another 300. I am also a follower.
oooooooh! Congrats! I absolutely love this blog and cannot wait for the next 300 posts!!!! Jennifer
I enjoy stopping by each morning to see what your up to. I love how you mix it up with your posts topics. Keep up the good times.
Cograts on your 3ooth post.
love your blog! now a follower and blogging about your giveaway! hope i win!
love your blog, I try to follow once a week and get caught up.
OK...you sure know how to bring us stalkers out of hiding....don't you! I am following you now...Andreaw123 and I certainly will leave a post today at Big Creek Cottage blog......Congrats on your blogversary!
Your blog and your giveaway is AWESOME! How I would have liked to be invited to that party - maybe some other time! Please add my name to your giveaway! uffda_68787@yahoo.com
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!! Now I'ma follower as well as a stalker! Thanks for the beauty and real life you share with us. You are an inspiration!
Thank You!
I'm new here...just followed a link from a friend. You have a very cute blog and I'll now be a loyal follower :)
Congrats on the big 3-0-0...
Congrats to you on your 300th Post! I love your blog, your boutique and I am so happy to enter this fun giveaway! {Plus who DOESN'T just LOVE Shabby Chic!}
I have blogged here:
I follow you on blogger!
and...just for goodness sakes...
I follow you on Twitter @CherryBlossBaby
CherryBlossomsDesign AT hotmail
Holy Cow.....am I the 191st comment!? Kasey, do you realize how many people love you? What an ego boost. I think it is wonderful.
if you change your mind on that soiree (?) you'll have to let me know...
janadec9 at yahoo dot com
What a beautiful idea on the party!! 300 posts, WOW!! Congrats!! :) I am following you and so happy that I am!!!
What a wonderful giveaway! I love your "unique and funky" style and I check your blog every morning! It is comforting to know that there are other "crazy" chicks out there like me!
Congrats on the 300!
p.s. Pick me!
Carmen Leigh
Wow what a giveaway! I posted about it on my blog :) and I'm already a follower!!
omg, what an amazing giveaway!!!
and your kids are BEAUTIFUL.
I enjoy reading your blog so much. You have a beautiful home and family. Happy 300th post! I would really love to win any of your giveaways. :) Thank you!
Oh, my email is lewis.jessica1@gmail.com
So important!
Congrats on 300 and on such a beautiful, loving family!
Thanks for sharing.
Girl! This is day 2 of reading your blog..I just love it. It's such an awesome thing to get to see your heart in your writing! I love the true life feeling. The honesty. Thank you, you encourage me :)
Oh, and I will be blogging about your giveaway at twigdecor.blogspot.com and I'm pretty sure I'm already a follower but I'll just double check :)
Thanks again for your heart!!
Love love visiting this gorgeous spot in the morning with my coffee..Perfect way to start my day..lots of love from Central Coast California..Carlyn Souza ssouza@charter.net ;)
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