Hello girls.......Let me tell you what a little couple's therapy does for one's soul........for 5 days a year.....we {the hubby and i} get to sneak away to a home my parents have on a beach halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles.We sneak away with no children.......yup.....no children............of course i call everyday.......and my wonderful mother watches my children.......for 5 days straight........she doesn't complain to me.........she manages just fine.......and i don't care if someone is dirty or if my home is a mess......because i have 5 days with my hubby to myself.Marriage is hard.....oh, i know.but it is so important to carve time out and put the children aside......to make time for one another.A true test in marriage came out when we were wine tasting with some friends....and we came across this adorable little house.I jumped up and down with delight.......because i was going to get our picture taken here......and he just laughed.How can you laugh at me?........but he said......i'm laughing because the minute i saw the doors....i knew you had a plan.........
he could have rolled his eye's {and he probably did}, but he was being supportive in a way that i wanted him to be.....and that means alot.
Marriage is a two way street..........or two doors if you must have the actual visual here........when one door is open.......the other might be closed........sometimes both doors are open...and sometimes they are closed....hmmmm.don't know where i'm going with this....sounded so good and profound there for a minute.......i just say....keep the doors open......then all is well....did that sound good?....sounds good over here.......and Bryan just said.....open doors are really good......so there.Open doors are good.But i sure love the look of these closed doors!
"what is it? My dear?"
"Ah, how can we bear it?"
"Bear what?"
"This. For so short a time. How can we sleep this time away?"
"We can be quiet together, and pretend- since it is only
the beginning-that we have all the time in the world."
"And every day we shall have less. And then none."
"Would you rather, therefore, have nothing at all?"
"No. This is where I have always been comming to. Since my
time began. And when i go away form here, this will be the
mid-point, to which everything ran, before, and from which
everything will run. But now, my love, we are here, we are now,
and those other times are running elsewhere."
{A.S. Byatt-possession}