Have you noticed that it's getting darker earlier?.....which leads to shorter days and longer nights.The only reason i mention this is because for as long as i can remember...i have been a morning person...which in short translates to not a night person.All of my friends know that if taking me to a movie that starts anytime after 9....then i'm pretty much a goner....i am the one falling asleep....my head totally falling forward before it jerks back into place.I won't even mention the fact that i have restless leg syndrome...though it has not been confirmed....but i'm really...positive...that i have it.I am the girl that in the winter....who wants to climb into bed as soon as the children are asleep.If you call my home after nine.....it goes straight to voicemail....yes...i am her.
Anyways....where am i going with this....who knows....but i guess i'm just letting you know not to call my house after 9...So....back to what i was talking about....apples....
well....now i am going to chat apples....we have a gazillion left over from last weekend when we went apple picking {again}....so i got my trusty helpers..and gathered them around to help me peel....so that we could make our favorite....apple crisp.
Did you know that my recipe calls for 3 sticks of butter....yes....and because i did not want to wake up in the middle of the night with a heart attack.... i decided to drastically reduce the amount....but there is
nothing better than apples basting in a pan on the stove full of melted butter.
We made our apple crisp...then gathered around as a family to watch the movie..."Goonies".
Do you remember that movie growing up? Oh...how i remember quite clearly...how in love i was with
Rand....and i really wanted to be Kerry.....so much so...
that i asked my mother to sign me up for acting classes.
My mother agreed....and so she signed me up.We arrived at the studio in Hollywood where she dropped me off {yes...back then you just dropped off your 12 year old at a studio and tell her you'll be back in a few hours....}
and there i was with about 100 other people who probably paid $100 each for acting class.
It was all going well....till they decided to split everyone into small groups.....then give us all a script to memorize.....
and then we had to go back into the huge group of people.....
stand up in front of everyone...
and say our script.
If you know me...i'm not shy...i like to talk....
but i do not like to talk in front of people....
my eye's get glossy...
my lips start to twitch...
saliva starts to pool in my mouth...
and i start stuttering....
let's just say....i never got that "call back".......
i was that girl that they said......don't call us....we'll call you.
Till this day.....i still dread speaking in front of people....
if Oprah ever calls me...to be on her show....i'll be the one that they say...
just don't look at the red light on the camera.....act natural....
but i can't take my eyes off the red light...and then Oprah will have to
cut to a commercial....and i just know that Matthew McConaughey will be sitting
next to me on the sofa....thinking i'm just a moron....when all i want to do
is smile at him.....
but my eye's are on the red light.
So....thank goodness it's monday...and there are NO red lights here at my house..
I hope you had a great weekend....the apple crisp was to die for....but not literally....
and if you notice the pic above.....of lola holding the sugar....you will notice a chunk of hair missing on her forehead.
We are still in the process of figuring out how it got cut......
lola claims that she does not remember cutting it....
even though i found the chunk on the bathroom floor.
It's time to call secret agent mom.....{that's my alter ego..}