

I was sitting having coffee with my friend Christina yesterday....you don't know her yet but if you are coming to the Inspired evening event on Dec 5th..then you will get to meet her. Christina has a shop called Sage Creek...and it has anthroplogiesque style boutique clothing...but at a price range i can afford. I would give you her shop info....but she is in the process of completely re-doing her entire site and will shortly be joining the blog world by storm.

I can't wait to introduce you to her....

she's totally freakin' cute...
...with 3 kids {just like me...}

lives in an old farmhouse...{just like me..}

wears a size 2....{just like me...}

got married in France.....{just like me...}

alright....i might not really be a size 2....but if you multiply it by 4....then it's almost a size 2....

and i almost got married in France....i mean...i did think about it....and the cakes were ordered from

a French bakery...so really......

it's pretty close.

She even offered to dress me for the event...so i only had to think about that for a minute...

anyways....my fab new friend was asking me if i had seen the new Country Living magazine write up...about a house located in Wayne...which is literally only 10 minutes from me.



i had not.

so i rushed home...

after stopping by the hair salon to get rid of the grey that has been sooo slowly creeping into my life...

anyways....the write up is on a girl named Caroline Scheeler.....

who could easily be my new best friend with that uber fabulous ruffle top she has on....

I tried calling Caroline....but she wouldn't take my calls.....

whats the deal with that? I told her..i promise i am not a stalker...i just want to come with my kids..

and see if sitting on a gorgeous settee in the dining room is really as cool as it looks...

like this settee......not quite the price tag i paid for mine that was on craigslist...but this one is from Anthro...

and would look fabulous sitting at the farmtable in my diningroom...

and the best part of the story is Caroline has a daughter......the same age as lola.


the same age....

i also left Caroline a message about our girls being the same age and probably totally going through all

the same things.....

and they could soooo be besties....

just like Caroline and myself.....

but the problem is.....

Caroline is not returning my calls.....


oh...one more thing....my little shop got a write up {here}...so make sure you pop over and enter the giveaway.....and there are still just a few spots left for {this}.


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Does having your invitations printed on French paper count for being married in France?

I want to stalk Christina because she sounds SO fabulous! :) But I bet she wouldn't return my calls either!?!?, so I'll patiently wait for her website debut.

Brigetta Schwaiger said...

You are fabulous. Really, I just love you. That size two thing- really good.

B said...

Have you tried *accidently* bumping into her say....outside her house or in her local grocery store...or would that be a step too far?!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Perhaps Caroline would return your calls if she knows that your shop got a write up ?!!.....I don't think I'd want my daughter being her daughter's friend.I like Christina best !!
Have a great weekend with your family, Kasey. XXXX

FEDERICA said...

Happy Halloween weekend!

Jo said...

Well I hope Caroline returns you calls and then you can call the rest of us and we'll over come over the her!

Love the sizing!


paige said...

i fell in love with her home too...didn't realize it was so close to you!
you forgot to mention her fab choice in boots

thanks for your call sweetie
you brighten my day

paula said...

I just adore your blog. Makes me smile even when my son wakes me too early.

PS~Erin said...

Ha! I love it!

What color do you think those walls are painted? Maybe you could ask her for me when she calls you back...

Unknown said...

Oh, I tore the pictures of her house out for my file....LOVE that settee! She must come to your soire! Jill

Shannan Martin said...

Anthro-esque stuff that is affordable? Say it ain't so.

Also - can you imagine having a sette at the dinner table? Is mine the only one that would be covered in Spaghettios and peanut butter after 1.5 days?

Beth Gales said...

Good finds and good laughs...

Mary said...

This poor woman. Little does she know who that woman in the head-to-toe Anthro outfit is that is watching her from the bushes. Call me if you need bail money. But at least you make one really darn cute stalker. ;o) ~mary~

traci said...

i love sage creek. i bought the best pair of cropped jeans there this summer. such a cute shop. i am looking forward to it. i read that article. i can't believe she wouldn't return your calls. haha.

Dolce Baci said...

Your too funny!!

littlebyrd said...

I saw that settee in the magazine and fell in love with it too. Huh? I think it is kind of weird she isn't returning your calls. lol!

Farmgirl Paints said...

You are such a goof.

Brenna LaPray said...

Can't wait to see Christina's shop. You have such great taste in friends!! You are so funny Kasey. Especailly the size 2 thing. I was going to come to your wonderful event but I can't bring myself to travel to Chicago for the first time in the winter. I PROMISE I will be coming in the Spring/Summer.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you are TOTALLY a stalker! But that's OK. When you know it's a friend to be, you just know it!

LuLu said...

You are such a tease! Now you know i really can't wait for your friend to have her shop up and running... it sounds perfect! and then You should the Country Living magazine that I am trying to hide from cause I oh so loved the house featured! really so mean of you! it's now add more fuel to me wanting to redo everything... maybe i should switch to brown paint and see if that will win my family over!
fingers crossed,

Wendy said...

I don't know, Kasey, you sound a little stalker-ish to me. Just kidding! You are such a crack up!

Unknown said...

Thanks for my morning laugh!!!

jules said...

so does this mean you will understand when i show up at your house (from california), with my kids and say..."i was just in the neighborhood...really i am not a stalker...can we come in?" jules

Tamara said...

You must become friends with her soon!!...cause I need to know more about that door!! Stalk her!! It is totally worth it!;o)

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

You are so funny! Have a great day and hope she calls LOL

Kori said...

Great post! So beautiful. Have a great Halloween! Kori xoxo

Chablis said...

Hahaha! She just doesn't know what she's missin' out on! She does look uber chic, her house is insane!

Brandie said...

You always make me laugh Kasey. I would soo do the same thing. There is a lady whose daughter just joined Layla's dance class and she is just oozing great style. I have already decided that we are going to be besties as well. Now, how to let her know that...

Leah C said...

You are just too cute...too funny! Don't ever change:)

mimi charmante said...

...always open to being dressed by someone fabulous...
just sayin'...

Paddywack Designs said...

I've been dreaming of a round table and scoping out settees since I saw this article...I too am in love. Don't worry she didn't return my calls either.

April said...

I would totally return your calls. But my house isn't as fabulous as yours or Christinas. Maybe someday!

The Vintage Barn said...

Hi Kasey,
you are too cute. Love your style and no I can be a referrence that you are not a stalker!!
The Vintage Barn

Tricia said...

I just read that article in Country Living and her home is amazing (her personal style isn't so bad either). I hope she returns your call already so you can take more pics inside her home and share all the details with us!!

Happy Halloween weekend to you and yours...hope it's a good one. :-)

Jen from Windy Ridge(size 2 x 6) said...

OMG!! I had no IDEA that the lady in Country Living magazine was your best friend and neighbor. Can I have your autograph. Please?

Your other best friend,
PS- I'm pretty sure we have kids the same age. Basically twins.

Unknown said...

Betcha she's neighbors with the family I used to nanny for over there in Wayne...way back when...it's so cool there!

Can't wait for the big Dec 5th event!!!

:) T

BonjourRomance said...

I smiled my way through this post. She definitely needs to return your calls - now! I be waiting to check out her new shop.

Jboo said...

Hope she has come to her senses and is returning your calls! Sweet!


The Flying Bee said...

You sweet, funny girl, you! I loved this post. I loved her home, too! Gorgeous! Great write up about you and your shop! Wish I could have made it happen for your special get together. There will be another time....I am sure of it!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Jackie said...

You crack me up. My wedding cake from from a French bakery too...and that's about it French-wise. I loved that house in the magazine...really perfect. I'm sure you'd be BFFs if she'd just give you a chance!

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

I'm just sayin' - if you called me....I'd return your call in a heartbeat.

and i'm not even a phone person...



Dandy said...

I'm having french buttercream on my cake... does that count?

Victoria Hayden said...

Can't wait to meet your new best friend...I am sure she is fabulous! I too loved this article in Country Living...thought about doing the sofa with the dining room table. Showed my Husband, he thought I lost it a little...still toying with the idea, looking for the perfect sofa (have one in mind like the one in your office...is it for sell?) lol. Kasey your the best!


Julie Harward said...

Kindred spirits for sure...she won't avoid you for long! LOL Come say hi :D

Anonymous said...

I don't know you ... it's charming here, but I've been on on alot of blogs recently and it seems errie here, like you're trying to be them ... I guess it's called copying ... like exactly ... down to the dot dot dot.

I feel you take alot of credit where it is due elsewhere.

Jessica Haley said...

Oh, man, that second glass of red and reading your blog is a sublime combination. So wish I could come to your shindig wearing that ruffle shirt! Btw, I will reply to your email... when did I become a hurry-up-and-wait type person... sigh, some day I'll be on top of things and sleep again...

thanks for your lovely post!

The Little Red Shop said...

Hmmm...I wonder what "Anonymous" will be dressing as this Halloween? I also wonder if they have actually read your blog. I think it's just lovely and you are a hoot. So there.

: )

Julie M.

Anonymous said...

it is not particularly nice that caroline has not returned you calls, maybe she will get around to it. she is probably a very busy woman. RELAX.

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

I too am a FRANCOPHILE! I didn't know it, nor had I ever heard that term before until a customer who was purchasing a French enamelware chamber pot from our online shop called me a "francophile" in jest. I wrote about it in a very recent blog. What a coincidence!

vintagebejoyful said...

Sweet and funny post, I saw those pics in my magazine and put them up on my inspiration board.....I adore your blog and follow often, You mentioned on one of your posts you can't speak in front of group, that's ok cause your writing says it all, thats what you are a writer!!! keep it up sweet girl!

anareis said...

Queridos(as) amigos(as), estou fazendo uma Campanha de doações para o Natal das crianças necessitadas da minha comunidade carente,são crianças que não tem nada no Natal,as doações serão destinadas a compra de cestas básicas-roupas-calçados e brinquedos,se cada um de nós doar-mos um pouquinho DEUS multiplicará em muitas crianças felizes. Se voce puder arrecadar doacções pra campanha elas serão depositadas no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 conta 9.799-3 ,obrigado.

AuroraSuzette said...

Too funny. I really liked the house too. Love your blog every single time!

anareis said...

Queridos (as) amigos (as) I am making a campaign donation to the Christmas of needy children in my community in need are children who have nothing at Christmas, donations will be used to purchase basic food, clothing, footwear and toys if each of us, we give God a little bit multiply in many happy children. If you can raise only keep working because pra campaign they will be deposited in the Bank of Brazil agencia 3082-1 to 9799-3, thank you

bethchien said...

yeah, what's up with that??!!! have you tried spying through some shrubbery to see if you can get a glance at her? It has worked for me in the past.

Amber said...

You totally crack me up! I have the same thoughts about things. I'll read someone's blog and be like, "They could totally be my BFF and not even know it yet!". Side note: I promise I'm not a stalker either!!

Great stuff. I'm going to check out Ms. Caroline myself!!

Natasha said...

Thats sooooo funny! Hahaha! She did miss out on a funny but good friend ;) Love your blog!