then i am sorry to disappoint you...
because yes.....
i am one of those....
i do not get out all of my goblins....
because ...
i have the real deal.
real..honest to goodness goblins...
ages 8....7...and 4.
You also won't find the fake spiders.....
because ...
right along with dust bunnies....
{even though i believe those are more of a spring time thing..}
but the best part is....
I have ....
creaky wooden floors....
the real deal.....
so creaky..that when i get up early in the morning...
and by EARLY...i mean yes.....
like 6...
i grab my coffee.......
i grab this computer...
and i sit....
and get a little quiet time.....
but sometimes......
the creaky floors......they wake kids up...
so i have gotten used to which stairs are the worst...
and how to tip toe around....
{you see...i live in a 100 year old house....}...
and there is
way around the creaky floors.....
Anyways....back to decorating....
this is it...
this is all there is around here...
some white pumpkins on my chandie...

and then when i grabbed the camera to take some pics ...
i realized i might possibly have a problem.....
{please don't remind me that i have problems...}
we all have problems.....
but i think that my little bit of OCD...is in fact...
collecting mirrors.

i can't afford anymore therapy....
{does it help that i have my family picture there?.....}
never mind....
you don't have to answer.
two stories in one post.......
i almost threw in the story about how i was so "busy" working on the computer that a 4 year old got into the food coloring and mixed up a batch of ...
colored acorns....
yes....that was quite a site...
and i won't even mention the fact that
acorns have worms....
no....i won't......
and the reason i won't....is because when i opened that 4 year olds
backpack FULL of acorns.....
that i did not see
any worms.
nope...i will not mention that fact.
consider yourself spared of that story....
{oh.... the boots from the last post are from Anthro last year...
and...monday is the day i will post the invite for
"an inspired evening"}
Loved reading your post today!!
and I don't think one could ever have too many mirrors
and I love that little outfit you are wearing while taking a pic of the mirror
and I am not sure about worms and acorns!
Mirrors, Mirrors on the walls - who is the greatest of them all?
Love this post and all your 'problems'!
It's nice to know i'm not the only with problems...LOL
Love your post & your mirrors :)
I just counted...I think I have..no wait...yes..8 mirrors in my family room alone. ( 7 hanging, one leaning) Seeing myself in them is scary enough..I don't decorate for Halloween.
: )
Julie M.
Love your mirrors. Loved your boots too. :) Thanks for the heads up on the acorns!
Really I think you're ok on the mirrors - I mean, they make rooms look biggers, so, I'm just sayin' (that's why I have them - I think).
I love all the mirrors..and your home, from what I could see reflected in the mirrors, is beautiful!
I grew up in an old home with wood floors that told my Mom everything I was doing, I miss them, too bad my new home and wood floors don't sing too!
And..here I've been wishing that i had some acorns..worms you say? Didn't know that, guess I'll go look at the craft store!
Come say hi :D
Kasey ~ I absolutely love all of your mirrors...just splendid....now that has me wishing I had lots of mirrors...hmmmm....and your family picture does help by the way:) ....just kidding...too cute of an outfit by the way...
Beautiful mirrors and beautiful halloween decor!
Your house looks wonderful!
I love the halloween decorations!!! Wow...you do have a lot of mirrors!!
You can never have too many mirrors....yours look fabulous :)
Love the colour in your hallway by the way.
Great post, you made me smile as always :)
Post a pic or two for you on my blog today....come see! xo
What inspiring pics, I love the old mirrors! FABULOUS, ESPECIALLY WITH THE OLD BOOK PAPERS!
Great mirror collection, Kasey. p.s. I hate worms.
Wonderful mirrors, great white pumpkin Halloween decorations, and honest stream of consciousness text....thanks for being real! Love the Anthro boots too!
OOh those mirrors look great! I also love the chandelier!
First of all, Kasey, I live in a hundred year old house and have creaky floorboards, dust and spiders as an everyday occurrence but, we used to live in a cottage built in the 1600's which was even worse...but, I love old houses and they are the things that you have to put up with, aren't they. I also have so many mirrors people think that I am vain. I don't have them for looking in, I just love mirrors.
....and finally, I love your little white pumpkins. We don't really celebrate halloween, in the U.K. like you do so we don't decorate our houses so I don't have that problem !!!! XXXX
I loved this post, and I loved the chandie. I want to see more of your home, yes, I am a decorating blog, so pretty please...
SO glad I'm not the only one with tons of mirrors everywhere! I get more remarks about that.... hmm... does this indicate a narcissistic quality in us...? Nah... :)
Right there with ya in the creatky-squeaky floors, girl! I even had one of Olivia's little girl friends NOT want to spend the night here when we first moved in because she said our house was creepy! GEESH! Thanks! :)
Hopefully not so scary now that we've re-done alot... hopefully... ;)
Great, beautiful post Kasey!
P.S. Loving the intro song!!!
Any ghosts living there? I LOVE your mirrors. So envious, you have quite an eye for the lovely things!!!
Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment. I am glad you did...b/c I love your blog. And geez...your house is soooo gorgeous and perfectly shabby chic!!! I love it sooooooo much!!!!~ Even the sheet music on your bedroom wall. lol
I adore mirrors. Yours are gorgeous...of course.
My favorite posts of yours are the ones where you ramble through about ten stories. Seriously. Wish I had so much to talk about. ;-)
Have a great day, lady!! Oh, and how's that special guest working out?
I would say you love mirrors! They are all awesome!
we have the same addiction... mirrors... i have been loading up on old mirrors lately. Yours are dang fabulous I'd steal them off your walls if i could, but i don't steal so i'll just admire! I am on pins and needles about your event... hurry will ya!! :)
Lovely mirrors -- yours are so pretty!
P.S. Didn't know that about acorns!!
Your a women after my own heart. Love the simplicity, Lori
I don't do "halloween" stuff either. I do Fall-o-weenie. My 9 year old and 19 year old hate that I don't do scary.
Love the mirrors.
Hate acorns with worms.
Love your photos.
OCD? Got it. Can't get rid of it, but with age it's getting a little better.
all the better to see you with my dear....
oh, that was the wolf's eyes, but it sounded good anyway.
love all those gorgeous mirrors!
gorgeous...and I LOVE the scale reflecting in the mirror, too! ~mary~
Love the mirrors..it reminds me os Snow White...and you truly are a princess Mrs. Kasey...have a great day!
You always make me laugh! The acorns....ack! I love, love, love all of your mirrors. Especially the scroll designs. Beautiful!
I absolutely love your decorating style. Yes I am basing this on the mirrors and the tiny glimpses of your home that I have seen so far. It gives me inspiration to start some projects around here that I have put off too long.
i love reading your posts. i have creaky wood floors that i used to not.get.up. in the morning for fear of waking of sleeping babies. no kidding. i would rather lay in bed and do nothing than wake up a baby/toddler. and yes, i found out the hard way that acorns rot and do have worms. even though i have 6 huge oak trees, i buy fake acorns to decorate. and fyi--hedgeapples along the road--they rot too. everything alive eventually rots. go figure!
LOVE the mirrors, and your white pumpkins!! Just put in a glass back splash above our range. Love it, however, it is not letting me forget about that extra 5 (ok, more like 8, alright, 10). But the look, FAB!!! Beauty suffers!
I love mirrors too. Have tons of them in my house.
And our house is also quite old with creaky wooden floors. And oh those stairs! Soooo noisy. (The one time I was so grateful for it was a few years ago when our home was broken into in the middle of the night. I was on the phone with 911 and I could tell exactly where the burglar was by the creaks! I knew he hadn't come up the stairs so we still felt a sense of safety...) Crazy.
Your fall decor all looks so pretty!
Our floors/stairs are quite creaky too and when I sneak downstairs at 6am to get my coffee I often have a 5 yr old goblin right behind me! Speaking of goblins, in your 100 yr old house perhaps there are some real goblins {ghosts} in addition to your offspring? :-)
Another great post and your mirrors are all gorgeous!
Your mirrors are to die for! Wish I could find some like that around here.
that one little white pumpkin was enough for me! :) Gorgeous font you're using for your titles....
I love old homes, I remember in my mom I had to tip toe around so my parents wont here me!
I love the mirrors, I do agree I don't think you can have too many mirrors. Somehow you look a little different in all of them. You know?
I love the white pumpkins. <3
in my mom's house * :)
Your mirrors are most beautiful. Keep on collecting. I seem to have a thing for them too. So we can do therapy together. Even though I'm out of walls if I see a pretty mirror it's still coming home with me.
Your home is stunning.
I've got a teen that would be in Heaven with all those mirrors all over the house! Love them but I'm so damn obsessive about cleaning them it would make me nuts. Jamie
Delightful post today! Love all the mirrors. I realized one day that my home is filled with BASKETS! They are everywhere...and many are used :-)
Enjoy the day,
mirrors. i can't get enough. they have been on my list of collectables for SO long - but it can be an expensive habit. And there are a few higher things on my list to purchase...I can't live without a coffee table. I can't live without a plane ticket to say....Chicago or something. ;)
Mirrors. I love you, and alas....you will have to wait. I've got a few check-marks to add to my list. Don't worry, you're not forgotten!
xoxo Kasey. :)
You've got some of the cutest lil' goblins ever:)
Love all your mirrors...
Don't like worms...and yes, I learned that lesson about acorns, too!
your house is divine. i love all your mirrors and music sheets and colored acorns :)
Beautiful...everything...mirrors...lovely. Saw you in Blogging for Bliss...love it!
But they are such gorgeous mirrors! You could not pass them up!! They are beautiful!
I hate wormy acorns!!
Lou Cinda :)
I just bought a new mirror that I am going to redo today too!! but... now I am thinking I may need to paint it white instead or red...humm... I love decorating in fall decor too. No scary stuff for me!
Darling post and decor. Love the Hello Monday post! You look absolutely adorable in your anthro wear.
Love the mirrors~!
I have that same chandelier, what a cool idea for fall!
I framed the sheet music you sent me and hung it on my walls, love the effect, will post a photo soon.
Mmmm...I love mirrors too. :) I also love the look of white pumpkins. I'm with you on the non-existent *spooky* decor...not for any good reason I just don't. I do have some white pumpkins laying around though. :)
Jeez Kasey I am gone a week and I have so much to catch up on!! LOve the birdie chandelier:) And mirrors well I have a love of those too. Off to do more reading. Just got off Rue's blog to tell her she won. What a great giveaway!! Saw your message earlier don't know if you were kidding or not:) If not that is some friend:)
so beautiful....but wait acorns have worms eww gross did NOT know that lol
Kasey..hi again..yes that is our home. We built it 3 yrs. ago on 10 acres of my husbands family farm. Red rock country begins about here, there is a national park about 15 min. south of us. Wish you could come visit! Thanks for saying hi :D
Hey girlie! Lunch was great today...but why did you let me consume soooooo many calories - yikes!!
:) T
Hi, Kasey!
Thank you for your comment on my blog:)
I really love your blog! Feel like reading my twin sister's blog:)
Kids are just wonderful creatures:), aren't they?
we live in an old house and i do the same thing, always sneaking around because of the creaky floors.
LOVE your home...
on the acorn note, last week i looked away and my 4 & 7 year old were brushing the dogs (2 goldens), gathering the fur, and dying it with food coloring.
creative, but so gross...at least they were outside.
Never can have enough mirrors or colored acorns, for that matter!
Your home is drop dead gorgeous!
You are so funny Kasey. I love how one post can go from goblins, to mirrors, to colored acorns! You have a beautiful collection of mirrors (and goblins too)! I grew up in an old house with creaky floors. Needless to say, there wasn't much sneaking in or out of that house!
p.s. as for your comment on the blog today I just had to say that we are half-way to the shared sleeping already (trying to work on that)! However, I don't expect our 13 year old to join in that anytime soon!
I love my creaky floors, except when my hubby has to catch an early flight! Jill
lol, you're so funny and once again your photos are absolutely breathtaking!
All pretty mirrors! I have the same problem with the creaky floors, although I don't get up at 6 am unless I absolutely have to. It's 6:30 here. That extra half hour is important ya know!
Great giveaway on Rue's blog. I have my fingers crossed.
Great collection of mirrors Kasey!! Love the ones sitting with the old hat boxes!...love the hat boxes too!
What a beautiful assortment! You have so many amazing mirrors :)
AWESOME post! those mirrors are so very, very pretty. that shield shaped one with your self portrait reflected is my favorite! there is something about an old mirror that is both spooky and lovely at the same time. i recently found an old oval mirror in a gilt gesso wood frame at the thrift store for $5. it even has those black worn spots in the silvering...perfection.
Ha!! I have the other two little gobblins... ages eight and six.
Love the mirrors by the way!
Love the mirrors and all the white. Love it! And I love your outfit that can be found in the mirror.
Your home and photographs are stunning! After I finish writing this I am going to become a follower so I can be updated on future posts! Janell
I'm mirror obsessed too. It's okay to love them that much and have a whole lot of them or at least that's what I tell myself ;)
Acorns have worms??
all beautiful images.
Love the shield shaped one so very much! and then the dark, old, chipped ones shortly following it.
Is that your house?! It is just total gorgeousness I tell you! How do you keep it clean with kids running around?
the mirrors are amazing! keep collecting - I'm envious of your collection! Ugh - acorn worms I've heard horror stories!!! eep!
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