
the garden party.......

The friends have been invited...............

the handmade pom poms hung....

hung in style no less.....

the table set.............

the garden daybed made up.......

cupcakes put out for the children.........

patisseries from the French bakery set out....

the guests arrive and make themselves comfortable....

the wine is poured, the fresh strawberry water chilled, the conversation is giddy....

What a lovely garden party, I am so happy you came over to help celebrate my 200th post!

What could be more fun than a garden party in my yard...... How about a garden party in your yard?

What if you had a $200 gift card to my favorite little shop... Anthro, so that you could get a cute outfit for the garden party, or to dress up your own table for your very own garden party? Would you like that?

In celebration of my 200th post, and my sincere appreciation for you... my lovely readers, just leave a comment to win. If you want to post about the garden party giveaway, you will be added not once, but twice to the pot.

If you are new reader of my blog, I also have up for grabs a $150 shopping spree to my shop.................just leave a comment that you are a new reader, and just add yourself to my followers list. If you want to blog about the giveaway as well, then I will add your name again to the pot.

Have a lovely, wonderful weekend my friends!

{comments will close Sunday at midnight}.


1 – 200 of 541   Newer›   Newest»
Missy K said...

Hello! I am a new reader to your blog, and would be delighted to win! Love your photos and the whole "feel" of your blog.

Maisy said...

I'm a new reader to your blog...My name is Amy...no it's not Maisy!
Thought I would try :)
Any-hoo...had a perfect time. It was a lovely afternoon. You are an amazing hostess!! Fun was had by all!!
I hope I win...I hope I win...I hope I win!!!
ps. Congrats to you my sweet dear friend!!!

littlebyrd said...

SPLENDID! You all look so wonderful. You really outdid yourself this time!! I wish I could have been there in person but spirit was fine for now. congrats on your 200 posts and here's to the next 200!

Kurstin said...

Im a new reader! i absolutely love your blog! its one of my favorites!!! I hope to win...... I'm in love with your shop...I'm just about to purchase something. =)


Karen said...

That party looks absolutely wonderful! And a giveaway is nice too :)

Jeanne Oliver said...

I am so glad that the weather cooperated! Everything looks beautiful. I can't believe that you are already at your 200th post...you blogging maniac!!

Rebecca said...

Hi Kasey! Just wanted to thank you for the cd...it came in the post today and I am so excited...um...the wrapping was fab too...sending you hugs through the interweb...and since i'm here...i suppose i could leave comment about the gorgeous garden party and enter my name in the giveaway...i too love the flower pom poms and use those for my daughters birthday decor...everything looked so chic...congrats on marking your
200th post...that's amazing!

Laura said...

Congrats on your 200th! Loved the pictures of the garden party - you did a beautiful job - the perfect hostess!

Jackie said...

Congratulations on 200 posts, my friend!! Your party looks like perfection! Can't wait to party with you in person in June!!

Katy said...

Oh so much fun! What a lovely party! Though I'm curious why the cupcakes were put out only for the kids...you can bet I would have snuck one of those for myself ;0) hee hee Anyway, add me to the pot and I will blog about you this evening when I have a bit more time. Blessings and congrats on your 200th! Katy

Sa-Sea said...

Congrats!!! Loved the Party!!!! (and am in NEED of the Strawberry Water recipe!!!) Adding to my site NOW! love it!

AJ said...

I recently found your blog and love, love, love it. I added it to my google reader and always enjoy your posts. Please enter me in your drawing. My husband would love for me to win since I keep emailing him items that he could put in my Easter basket, give me for Mother's Day or even a Happy Day present.

koralee said...

What a lovely garden party...soooo wish i was there!!! Love those pompoms...what a lovely giveaway...thanks again for all your wonderful posts...i always look forward to your blog.
Many Easter Blessings to you and your family!

Sarah said...

I added you to my friends yesterday! What a charming blog you have.
Your garden party looks fantastic, I wish I could have been there. I'm off to google how to make strawberry water, it sounds lovely!!

I'll be sure to blog about your garden party and your give aways!

Tracy said...

Beautiful photos, I'm a new reader, too. Found you through Nesting Place.

Glitter & Bliss said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time at your garden party. I love all your decorations.....the pom poms are amazing!!! I love your blog... Congrats on your 2oo th post.

Kasey said...

What a fun party to celebrate your hard work!

traci said...

what a wonderful garden party. it looks so beautiful out there. glad the weather cooperated. congratulations on your 200th post. that is wonderful. keep up the lovely posts. i look forward to my daily visits.

Unknown said...

I can't believe I haven't visited before! Your style is amazing, your blog is gorgeous, and you throw an awesome party. What more could a reader ask for?

~Grace Happens~ said...

Awesome blog! I will definitely be sharing your post:) And how did you know that Anthropologie was my FAVORITE store?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Kasey, what an amazing party! And how generous of you...200 dollars to spend at Anthropologie! ps. Got the great cd in the mail yesterday! Thanks! Cngrats on 200 posts too.

Julie said...

Happy 200th post! Yeah for the garden party. :) I love your posts. xo

Lori said...

Miss Bushel and a Peck was NOT kidding!!! this is a most generous and wonderful giveaway...i am new to you and now a follower...i LOVE your iron bed, it is gorgeous...all of you girls are looking pretty fab too!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great party! So glad I was able to make it...two parties in one day. have a blessed weekend!

a.love said...

HAPPY 200th POST! Your party looked stunning!! Seeing photos was almost as good as being there...but how I wish I could have sipped both the strawberry water AND the wine! What fun. You leave much to desire as a hopeful entertainer!!

The Flying Bee said...

How beautiful! Congrats on your 200th post! Going to Anthro tomorrow...I will be sure to take note of what I would get, just in case I win!! Looking forward to reading 200 more posts! :)

JKCuddles said...

How amazingly beautiful. I am getting married this year and love this idea for a bridal shower!!! (Must tell friends asap.)

Congrats on the 200th post!

Jessica said...

Amazing Blog!! I am a new reader as well & now a follower! :) Thanks for all of the beautiful pictures & inspiration!

kristy bowen said...

I wish I had a daybed in my garden!
(I wish I had a garden!) It looks like great fun.. Congrats on your 200th post...!

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

What a beautiful party! Lovely pictures.

I would love to enter! I'm going to go undercover and come back as a new reader. Ooops, did I say that out loud? Darn, I blew my cover. ;)

What a generous giveaway, you are too sweet.


Becky Garrison said...

Oooooohhh! I love garden parties! Count me in! I published a post on my blog, and you can find it here >>> http://camelliacottagediary.blogspot.com/2009/04/crazy-good-giveaway.html

Thanks! Becky G.

MookieJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MookieJ said...

Wow what a great giveaway! I love the pictures for the party, super cute!
I'm a new reader and my google connect name is Janine_GiveawaySpot.
Thanks for the chance to win!

tracey said...

Wish I could've made it my talented friend. Everything looks beautiful. Happy 200th post!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What a wonderful party! Thanks for inviting me! I have just recently found your blog and love it! I will be checking back daily! Looking forward to more eye candy! I would love to blog about the party but I dont have a blog! Yet! I have been wanting one for a while! Hope I win! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow an Anthro gift card!!! Wahoo! what a great party, thanks for inviting me.

Unknown said...

Your back yard looks so charming. I need a charming backyard . . . or be invited to someone's. Anyways, Congratulations on your 200th post! I am excited to read the next 200.

*The Beautiful Life* said...

Hi Kasey...Why do I almost feel guilty entering this??? Hmmm.... Hmmm... I HAVE NO IDEA! :)

Please sign me up as "entered"!

I will do a blog post about the giveaway, too -- I'll let you know when its done.

Thank you!!!


Cheryl Connell said...

I am a new reader and I would be STOKED to win! Enter me please??



Lisa said...



AshleyR said...

Kasey the party looks fabulous!
Oh boy, those cupcakes :)
I'm making a trip to Anthro this weekend. Oh how I would love a $200shopping spree!! Have a wonderful Easter.

Donna said...

OK,...everyone seems to be commenting "Congrats" and "seeing the pics is almost as good as being there"...not me! I wish I had been there in the middle of it all....looks like great fun!!! and mmmm...delicious!!! You look like a person who celebrates life and relishes decorating it...my kind of person!!

LuLu said...

thank YoU for the most amazing party! I am drooling over the daybed made up outside...perfect.. I'll have seconds please of the strawberry water... it's delicious! you through a wonderful party and write a beautiful blog.Full of inspiration and fun!!
Congrats on your 200th post.. looking forward to 200 more! Have a wonderful Easter weekend,

Rebekah said...

No kidding, my real first thought was, "EEE! I want to GOOOOO!" :) I'm sure it was divine.

Linda said...

What a lovely garden party. Looks like the weather cooperated. I'd love to win but I live in Canada. I'm new to your blog. Just love it!!

Jaimie Gvozdas said...

I love your blog and your shop! And I Love Love Love the garden party....hmmm...does that mean I need a garden on my wish list too?? Do they sell those at Anthropologie??? ;o) Congrats on 200!!!


sherndon@wavecable.com said...

what an amazing party!!! Makes me excited for Spring. Love the giveaway. Thank you

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Holey Moley - is this for reals? Not only do I get invited to the coolest event ever, but there's a gift involved? Yeah - I'm in.

CMB said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! The garden party looked fabulous...what a great idea. Love your give away...your pictures look like they belong in an anthro ad!

Honey Bend Vintage said...

I love the creativity and you that you put into your posts. Congrats on 200~~~~ Love the pics!

B said...

Hi! I don't know what I'm more jealous of; your gorgeous garden party, or the fact that you had weather good enough to have a garden party! But I'm sure $200 for Anthropology would pacify this green eyed monster ;o)

Lateda said...

I love PARTIES! Thanks for the invite. You have an amazing BLOG! Keep up the good work.
200 posts.. wow. You give me inspiration!!


Anna said...

What an awesome giveaway! The garden party looks beautiful :)

Tami said...

Found your blog via Lisa at Living my life, Outside the box. Your blog is adorable....could it be all the birds, and nests! Love it!
I have added myself to your follower list. Looking forward to your future post.

Have a great weekend!

Tamara said...

Wow! This kind of seems not for real. I mean I am a new reader and all so I am still trying to get the vibe of your personality. Yea...this can't be for real...kind of like that post you did last week about being prego with 3... Yea so fake.

Kristin said...

You are about as fun as it gets. Beautiful soul, great wit and I am certain you are just a blast. Love your 200th post blog garden party. Too much fun!!!!

So, Happy 200th post. I can wait to read to the 300th post or more!

Happy smiles sent your way and the cupcakes even though pretend here were wonderful and the wine...,delicious, but the laughter and pretend party company for us far away bloggers was the greatest part of all!

Jessica said...

Hello, I am Jessica and discovered your blog through Sa-Sea Boutique. Love, Love, Love your blog-so inspirational! Thanks for inviting us to your lovely garden party, what a great way to get the girls together for an afternoon of fun! Congratulations on your
200th post!

♥ miss.michelle said...

...just beautiful Kasey! You did that all by yourself? WoW...so, so,so pretty. Lucky young ladies that got to join in this celebration!

Such inspiration!!!!!


Leah C said...

Lovely, lovely garden party...you really do go all out! Congratulations, Kasey, on 200 posts; I'm looking forward to the next 200:)

Tamara said...

But... if it is for real...this is great! Such a fun inspiring reason to get a sitter, kick out the hubby and host a fun little party for the ladies. I honestly don't know what would be better a certificate to Anthro or your store. Both places I have a wish list as long as my arm! Very generous!...I mean if you are for real... grin

Nicole said...

I'm a new reader and I can't believe what I've been missing out on. I found your blog/store via sa-sea boutique. What a wonderful blog... I'm now on my way to visit your store. I'm sure there are so many treasures and finds!


P.S. What a great idea to give away a Gift certificate to your store!

Kim said...

I love your blog - such cute things!

Emily said...

Of course I would absolutely LOVE to be entered in your giveaways!! I don't know how new of reader I have to be for the the other one. I just "found" you in March I think. That's pretty new :) Congrats on your 200th post! Your garden is fab.

Free Art Printables said...

Thank you so much for the fun time and the lovely company! I am going to have to post about this.. add me in twice! ;) Jen

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 200th post... WOW!!!

What a lovely party...

Enjoy all your happy comments!!! Aren't they wonderful!!!

Just A Gal...

Mary June Miller said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! The party looks divine!
I am a new reader and absolutely love your site- I added myself to your 'followers' and am going to post about the giveaway on my site! So add me twice.
What would I do if I won?? ( ;
Your site is inspiring! Mj

my site is www.xanga.com/maryjunemiller

kali said...

I am a new reader, and it is so funny that you are doing this garden party giveaway- I recently posted on my blog about having a VIP ladies dinner! I am thinking lights around the deck and trees...your pictures are inspiring! I have two daughters, and I love Lola's room! I don't really win things, but you can't win anything if you don't try, right?

Thanks, and nice to meet you!

heather spratt said...

Wow!! Beautiful, just beautiful!! Thank you for a great garden party! =) (fingers crossed on the Anthro gift card)

Tara said...

KASEY!!! you out did yourself, I am speechless, hopefully I made it in time, I had some trouble with my outfit! I love the table, everything looks amazing, good thing too cause I am starved! Thanks for the party and the invite! Big hugs and congrats on your 200th post!

philben5 said...

I wanna be ur friend!!! What an awesome party! I am a first time visitor to your sight via Sanctuary Arts at Home and I'm so glad I stopped by. Deffinately will become a stalker...I mean follower.

CandiShack said...

Oh, you know a way to a girls heart...anthropologie...!! You have inspired me, I'm gonna have a garden party! And I'm mentioning this giveaway on my blog. You are so fun!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh what a dream come true! I am a fairly new reader who recently became a fairly new follower. :)

The Feathered Nest said...

I would so loved to be entered!!!! Happy 200th Post sweetie...I've been following for quite a while now and love your taste!!! Wishing you many many more ~ xxoo, Dawn

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! I just found your blog!


Anonymous said...

Very nice blog. Love the music too.

Heidi said...

Congradulations on your fabulous party! Looks like SOO much fun and sounds like a great idea ;) I am new to this and I am adding myself to your followers. ~Heidi

Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DG said...

congrats on this! i love your music playlist btw :)

I follow you through google reader btw! just ask and I'll give you my blog name I don't like posting lol. still working on it.


Laura said...

Ooo lala!!! Wow! You are so generous! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my word my dear!!! You have most certainly outdone yourself this time! This is the most amazing thing.... How will you ever top this one? :)

Really $200 to anthro. Did I read that correctly? Oh, I don't deserve to win because I just won recently. but still.... its ANTHRO!!!! So my fingers and toes are crossed... just in case!

Sara said...

I'm a new reader with a weakness for paper pom poms and strawberry water (and anthropologie!).

Bluebell said...

Congratulations on 200 posts!
I am a new reader to your blog...found you through The Farm Chicks blog!
Love the pictures of your garden party...only wish it were warm enough in Idaho to have a garden party right now!

Anonymous said...

a garden party....what a breath of fresh air! Congrats on your 200th post.

Chablis said...

AAHHHH! I'm away from my computer for 2 days and look what I missed! I'm so grateful for virtual parties so I can attend none the less! You look absolutely gorgeous, and the party is exquisette!
I'd love the gift card!

Congragulations! Looking forward to another 200 posts!

2L said...

What fun! Here's to your 200th post!

Kim said...

Thank you for inviting us to your blog party. It was a treat. Beautiful decor. I am a new reader and am adding you to my google reader. AND, what a great giveaway...one can always hope...

Antique Therapy said...

Love the idea of a garden party!! I would love to enter your give away too. I am a new reader, your blog is very cool!! Thanks for the great give away to Anthro!!

***LIZ*** said...

What a great way to celebrate! Liz here, and I am new to your blog! Can't wait to see what you do next!

mrs boo radley said...

s t r a w b e r r y
w a t e r

a n d

p o m p o m s

Sign me up!

Evy said...


I'm a new reader as well, and I really love your blog - its feel and look.

I'd be delighted to follow and find out more about your lovely style!

Thanks so much for hosting such giveaways, it certainly makes people happy!


Sharla said...

looks like fun! your lucky you have the nice weather for a garden party:)Im so glad I came across your blog I love your style..I'm now a follower ;)

Jeanne Oliver said...

Just trying to slip in for a second chance for the gift card...ship me some of those cupcakes...this no sugar thing sucks!!!

Erica said...

Hi, i'm a new reader but quickly became addicted to your blog - sugar or no sugar, it's fabulous!Congrats on 200 posts

Christina said...

Oh, wow! Strawberry water???? I must make that for me and my daughter. We both LUUUVVV strawberries! Thanks for the giveaway. You have a fabulous blog and I love the music on it! (Yes, have already purchased the Emile Mover song. I'm diggin' it!)

Joyce said...

This party looks like so much fun! A perfect way to celebrate. Oh my goodness I don't think I have ever seen pom poms so big! Did you make them? I love them. I can't wait to see how you celebrate for your 400th! Enjoy... xoxo

Robynn's Ravings said...

Wow! You SERIOUSLY know how to throw a party. I've never even BEEN to a party like this let alone thrown one! lol Wish I was there. :)

I just celebrated my 100th post. I had a big grand time. It consisted of writing "100th Post" in the title. You can see I really know how to kick up some dust! I'll have to plan a little bit more for the 200th I guess.

Lisa from "Living Outside the Box" sent me over and I signed up to follow. Drop by my blog anytime. Today I was named the Apron Goddess of the day (a really big deal for someone who doesn't sew. :) )


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness what a fun cool spring Idea. I love how you set up this little Garden Party and I am happy to say I now will be visiting your blog often. I added myself to your followers list because I am new to your blog. I found you by visiting another blog "a bushel and a peck". I would love to go on such a wonderful shopping spree. Thank you for such a blessing to one of your readers. Amy

pam said...

Your garden party looks amazing and like so much fun. Congratulations on your 200th post. Please enter my name in your generous giveaway.

Victoria Hayden said...

Kasey, wish in reality I could have been right there with you all! Looks like it was so fun! I now am inspired to have a garden party with my friends. The pastries looked delish and oh, so pretty!! Loved the chairs and all the decor!! A great way to bring in Spring!!! Hugs to you!!


Melissa Stover said...

how fun. what a lovely party.

LissyLou said...

Just found your blog, it's gorgeous!

Kris said...

I would love to say I'm a new reader to your blog, but "sigh" I was hooked long ago.

Love your outside garden party. The fact that you used comfy indoor and outdoor furnishings mixed together just made it feel like a cozy outdoor space. An extension of your home. Very nice.

I'll post about your giveaway on my blog.

Have a happy day


Jenny@ L.O.T.s of Love said...

What a fabulous party! I found you from Jen R. Looks like she had fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

cupcake studio said...

The party looks just divine! Happy Easter weekend to you and congrats on your 200th post!

Tracey said...

I am a new visitor to your blog and love it!! I love your garden party as well. It's still too cold in Maine to have a party outdoors yet, but love the idea. I have an old shed I would like to transform into a an outdoor dining room..not yet, but someday. These ideas are great for storing and putting into action at a later time. So Congrats to your 200th post and I'm glad I stopped by and will again!

Terry said...

I am a new reader to your blog, the bench at the end of the bed looks like it was it's always been there - so chic!

Wonderful blog - Happy Easter!

slip4 said...

I recently started following your blog (how new is "new"?). I love your style and look forward to reading all updates, as well as perusing the archives. Congratulations on 200 posts!

The Nester said...


This is like the best giveaway EVAH!

I thin I'm gonna start 78 more blogs so I can sign up 78 more times with a different name--breaking the rules? no?

congrats! I'll add the giveaway to the bird watching tomorrow!

Missy said...

How sweet does your party look, thank you for sharing with us. I am a new reader. I am so glad I found your garden party, I think I will have to go out back and start sprucing up for one of my own.
Congrats on your 200th post!

LRice60 said...

Congratualtions on your blogging success. I have recently started my own blog, and quickly realized how difficult it is to keep the posts up. Ashley from Domestic Fashionista sent me to your Garden Party celebration. Since I'm a new reader, I'd love to be in the running for your shopping spree. Please enter me in the Giveaway drawing as well. Thank you so much, and have a happy Easter!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Hi there! I saw your link on Ashley's page (Domestic Fashionista) and I really like your blog! I'm a new reader and follower. :)

B. J. Brooks said...

Hi I'm a new reader. Followed Lisa's instructions and hopped on over.

Great Party......!!

Blessings/ B.J.Brooks

Jo said...

What a lovely party ~ a perfect way to celebrate! I am a new reader and will be back for more.


Andrea Y said...

I am a new reader and love the garden party pictures! Good Job!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new reader, too. Pretty garden party!
Michelle smilesbymiles@juno.com

Rachel said...

Hi. I'm a new reader and i'm thrilled to have been introduced to your blog. Loved your garden party idea.

Preppy Mama said...

Congrats on 200!! I am a daily reader and love your blog.
If I had my pick, I would wear the Underwood Shirtdress from Anthro to your party!!

Thanks for invite!!

Our Family said...

I'd love the chance to win. I've never had the privilege of shopping at Anthro yet, but their stuff looks amazing. And your garden party looked like something out of a magazine! So beautiful!

Valerie said...

Oh, oh, oh! I am a new reader, and there really couldn't be a bigger Anthro fan in the world than me (especially since we don't have an Anthro in our city). Please pick me! :)

Seriously, love your blog. Oh how I would have been tickled pink to attend such a beautiful garden party! Maybe I should throw one of my own...

Lara said...

How beautiful! Looks like a very lovely afternoon, with perfect spring weather! I love love love the pom poms! Congratulations on your 200th post!!


... said...

OOoooo Nice giveaway.

... said...

I'm also a new reader.

beth said...

i love the garden party they have in the movie chocolate. i am sure any garden party you have would be magical. congrats!

~h~ said...

123 comments?!? Wow. I just wanted to comment on how beautiful your garden party appears: loving the pompoms, sugary delights, and the daybed! Looks like movie material. I hope that you and your friends enjoyed yourselves. :)

Brandie said...

What a lovely party! So glad the weather cleared up enough, darn snow. I absolutely want to win this one. I have my outfit already picked out as I was just in Anthro last weekend;) I will blog this later. I'll let you know when it is up:) Congrats sweetie!

SuzyQ said...

Love your blog! The garden party post was so needed on this dreary day! Once a year I have a "Friend Appreciation Day" and pamper my friends, as you did. Sometimes we have a similar garden party, sometimes we make Valentines, Christmas boxes, etc.
Thanks for some great ideas! Love your music too. I'm eager to look at your favorite blogs - I'm a bit new to this! Thanks again.

MiCo said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate your 200th post! Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win such fabulous prizes! I'm a new reader with a new blog and today's post is about you.

Dolce Baci said...

Looks like you had a fabulous time! I would love to have a garden party!

Farmgirl Chaos said...

Hi! What a fun looking party! I was told to come visit your site by Lisa at Living My Life, Outside the Box. I'm now a follower!

Have a great weekend!

amy jupin said...

what a beautiful spot to have a party! please add me to your drawing. you are already on my blogroll. and i'll be linking to this post shortly.

Backyard Candle Co. said...

Wish I could have really been there! Everything looked amazing! Have a great weekend! Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Southerner said...

Enter me. I would love to have a big ol hat for a good ol Derby party on May 2.

Tasha Roe said...

I just found this blog and I am so glad that I did. It is just lovely and I really wish to have a garden party like yours! Congrats on your 200th post!!

Brenna LaPray said...

Wow Kasey, how are you ever going to read all these comments?
The garden party looked charming. Love the decor. I wish I could have been there. xoxo

Jamie said...

Wow! 200 posts! Congrats! And what a generous giveaway! You amaze me! I posted about it on my blog. Hugs!

Unknown said...

I'm a new reader and now a follower! What a lovely blog and what a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Michelle said...

I'm a new reader and love your blog. Congrats on your 200th post! Thanks for entering me in the giveaway!

Kimberly said...

I've been following you for a bit. Congratulations on 200! My fingers are crossed for your generous giveaway!

{oc cottage} said...

Holy Cannoli!!!

m ^..^

Anonymous said...

Another new reader as of today ;) Your garden party looks lovely here - can't wait to check more of it out!



Wendy said...

You have outdone yourself, my dear, and that is not easy to do! Lovely, lovely.

I will, of course, mention your giveaway on my blog.

And can I pretend I'm a new reader, too?

Pretty Little World said...

Oh my, congratulations and happy 200th post!!

That garden party is just smashing! I would never want to take the decorations down!

But hopefully the cupcakes aren't only for the kids -- I want about four or five or them!!

a.love said...

Ok, I know I already left a comment but I had to see the photos again and stare a bit longer.
Your furniture is divine! Your iron chairs...oh, sorry...I just drooled down to my feet. I also wanted to tell you, I love the editing you did to the photos. *Perfect feel* Have a beautiful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm a new reader as well. Love your blog. I will post about the giveaway on my blog also! thanks for the giveaway!

Brittany B. said...

I'm a new reader....please add me to both giveaways!!! :)
Brittany B

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I would love to be in your giveaway. I'm a new reader & follow you in Bloglines!

the wild raspberry said...

what a lovely party you throw...garden parties are THE best!
congratulations on 200 posts...that is a ton of work and i enjoy seeing all the things you come up with.
i will post about the party for a second chance for sure!

paperbird said...

How absolutely fun you are. The garden party looks so fun and your dress- so lovely.
I have been inspired to have my own garden party- when the snow melts. LOL

Happy Easter

Ashley g said...

Hello! I am a new reader to your blog, and I love it! I was first attracted by the name, it's my grandma's too. I've found that I love your pictures and comments, and I share your love of anthro! Thanks for your wonderful blog!

Liz Harrell said...

Oh my gosh! This garden party is fantastic, love these pics!

Hope you have a great Easter weekend!

Loralee and the gang... said...

I came over here from C Maisy's blog...and of course that means I am a new reader - what a cute blog you have! And I live outside Spokane, near Silverwood Theme park...It is sooo beautiful here in June. You picked a perfect time to visit.
I will 'follow' you, so I will get to see some more of your treasures. . .

paige said...

you're amazing
i am certain you never sleep!!

what a fantastic party...lucky neighbors ( i think i've said that before)

have a wonderful easter

Anonymous said...

WOW. is all i can say. i came over here from a friend`s site and wow, i looove your taste!!
i bookmarked you and will be back! only got a chance to look at the garden party post-- can`t wait to come back and see more!
Jenny Kauffman

Anonymous said...

ok, i signed up to follow your blog (i am a new reader) AND i am going to post a link to this give-away on my blog.

me again!
jenny kauffman

Anna said...

I'm also a new reader - what an exciting give-a-way! I would love to throw a garden party....

Anonymous said...

What a lovely party. I'm giving a baby shwer for a dear friend in a few weeks. I wish I had your furniture to put in the yard! I'm not a new reader, I've been reading your for months now. Love your blog. I also enjoy your choice of music as well. Your shop is fab. Okay, I must go now, thanks for having me at the party.

To The Moon and Back said...

Hello, I'm a new reader too. I love the look of your blog. Please add me to your list!

Simply Me Art said...

What a Beautiful Party! Your honestly so Creative and Clever! Congratulations on your 200th Post!! Have a Lovely Easter Weekend, Jamie

Sarah said...

What an amazing garden party! I have never been to one but I have definitely put it on my list of things to do in my lifetime now! I love your style! I am a follower but I didn't realize you were in IL! Now I must find a way to meet you and Amy (maisyreport).

Thanks for offering the contest. I have never shopped at Anthro but I am great at stretching money so I sure I could get a lot for $200! Have a great day and thanks for sharing pics of your party!

Happy 200th Post too!! :)

Lindsay said...

Happy 200th post!!!

Would love love love to host such a glamorous garden party!! And therefore would love love love to win!!!

I'm a new reader, following you!

frugalfab at gmail dot com

Candyce said...

Hi! I am a new reader, and am excited about this giveaway! I am a follower now, and I love your music mix!

Thanks, Cee

ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage said...

you are so sweet. what a wonderful give a way. I am not a new reader but would much rather have fun shopping in your shop than anthro......!!!!!!

deepsouthrunner said...

I love Anthropologie!!! They have the cutest things. This is the best giveaway EVER!! It would make my month to win this. haha. Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely party!! i am a new subscriber and would LOVE to win! Thanks much. Lydia

ecky said...

lovely day for a lovely garden party!
congrats on the post milestone!

elkesten at yahoo dot com

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I'd love to be included in your giveaway and congratulations! I just reached my 100th post and I am having a giveaway too, so, please stop by and get in on the fun! I love your blog, I'm gonna grab your button and become a follower!

Angel said...

What a lovely generous offer! Thank you!

Amy said...

I love Anthropologie! I am also a new reader and have started following you.

Lisa said...

I am a new reader and just LOVE your blog! The garden party looked delightful...such a lovely idea. I would be honored to win. Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

WendyKV said...

I love your blog. It's stunning and so inspiring. What a fun party. I've been looking forward to it for days. I would LOVE the Anthropologie $. Thanks for blessing all of us blog followers.
xox Ü

Shannon said...

What beautiful pictures!! And how generous! Great giveaway. :) Happy 200th post!!

Nina said...

Amazing giveaway! I'm a new reader as well. ;)


Kari said...

Everything is so lovely and charming. I had no idea you were doing a real garden party! I am just in awe at the magical setting, the wonderful food, all the thought and preparation. You have really outdone yourself. Thank you for your amazing blog and wonderful friendship... it's been a pleasure.

Shelly said...

I'm a new reader!

Great give-away . . . thanks!

Shelly Nissley

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

I just found you on Domestic Fashionista's blog and I LOVE the garden party you had. I want to have one too, but our weather is too iffy right now in upstate NY!
I'm going to follow your blog because it is adorable and I'm going to go check out your shop.
I also love the effects you've used on your photos!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I wasn't sure which post I should let you know I'll be there on. I just wanted to let you know I'm a new reader and I have posted about your lovely blog.

Unknown said...

beautiful post. beautiful party. beautiful you! have a sweet and lovely weekend in our fair state of Washington!
all good things, k

Unknown said...

Hi , love the whole idea. Love the chair out there. I bet you gals had a great time. Maybe I will have a Garden party this summer too. mishelle

Anonymous said...

Wow beautiful pictures! The party looked lovely. It almost has a sort of vintage look to it, which I just adore. Very classy. Thank you so much for the fantastic giveaway also! Happy 200th post!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Steviem said...

I am a new reader and am so happy to have found your blog!

I adore your style and I dream of having a home as beautiful as yours someday! I especially love your daughter's room and hope that I can give my little girl something as pretty :)

I'd love to be entered into both drawings if possible!

Many thanks.

Nancy said...

OK -- you are very lucky that the snow melted for your party. It looks like a good time was had by all. Lovely, just like your blog.
Take care,

Michelle said...

Im a new reader. Love your style and your party looks awesome.

Danielle said...

What a beautiful garden party. Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing and the great giveaway.


Danielle said...

I'm a new reader and I added myself to your followers list. Really enjoyed your site.


The Pink Door said...

Oh what a lovely Garden party!!
I'm a new reader too!



Unknown said...

I'm a new reader, joined your list of followers and would love to win! Your garden party looks so fun!


Anonymous said...

I am now a follower--thanks!

christy said...

besutiful party! Love everything, especially the outdoor day bed! Simply awesome.

Would love to be entered in the giveaway! *fingers crossed*

Tiedupmemories said...

Lovely garden party! I'm a new reader!Nice to meet you!Would love to be entered in your giveaway!

Beth said...

Please enter me in the contest too! Thanks!! (And congrats on your 200th post!)

The Stylish House said...

I found your wonderful site via, Kathy's Red Door Welcome. I would love to have a chance to win this fab prize, how nice of you! Have a great weekend.
Happy Easter. ~Cathy!

Sadie Olive said...

Super cute party missy! :) I wish I lived closer to you too! Congrats on a successful party, I had a lovely time!

nfmgirl said...

Wow! How beautiful! I'm a new reader and wish you'd saved a cupcake for me!

PaperDoll Designs said...

I'm a newbie and I just blogged about my Anthro love yesterday! Love your shop...NEED that crown cake plate!

Lindsee said...

That's my favorite store too! I am a new reader and am adding myself as a follower right after this!! And you can check my blog too as I tell my world about your generosity and how I NEED TO WIN !!:)

Cheryl said...

*woot-woot* a giveaway~ I just found your blog via Jen's blog. (she is such a nutter) Please enter me in your drawing/giveaway. Thank you-thank you!

denise said...

I'm a new reader and when I first saw this blog, I fell in love with the elegancy and daintiness.
The cupcakes look delicious =D

Sandi said...

Hi. I am a new reader and would love to be entered in your giveaway. LOVELY blog. Blessings ~

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am a new reader to your blog and stumbled upon it from reading "Blondiensc." All of you are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for entering me into your drawing. I'm a fan...winner or not :)

Rosemary from Maryland (patnrosemary@hotmail.com)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful garden party. I am new and so happy I found your blog, can't wait to read on and I love the day bed and pom poms. Have a wonderful weekend. Sandra

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