most of the time.
Trust me....my kids will tell you that
there are times when i lose it.
lose it big time.
But i am normal...
at least i hope so.
If you don't know my Fin...he is a lot like me...
in the regards to his personality.
He's a jokester....
and with a completely sober face, he will look you
straight in the eyes and say...
he did not eat the lemon bars.
He will swear he didn't eat them....
and not even blink while he's telling me this.
The catch is.....
he has his fingers crossed behind his back.
Somewhere he learned that one can tell you a little
white lie but it's all ok because your fingers are crossed.
Then he will look at you and say...
i'm just kiddin mom....
just kiddin.

playing like boys do....
i was up in Lola's room getting it ready for a little tea party.
Lola was going to have a friend over after school,
and had asked if they could have one.
So i made some lemon bars...{thank you Trader Joe's}
set the table....
put some flowers out...
and left the room.

and started to make some lunch for the boys.
The Boys.
Boys who decided to have their own tea party...
boys who love lemon bars as well...
and lemons...
and flowers.
You are raising fantastic boys who will grow to be charming gentlemen!
LOVE the tea party!
The table looks perfect in Lola's room!!
That Fin is so dang cute!
Fabulous photos!!!
:) T
I think it's so important to allow kids to be kids. Society will try to cram them into the "man box" later. (LOVE the Star Wars action figs.)
I agree with the first comment, and also think that these boys will be men who grow up to be great daddies and great husbands. They will appreciate some of the finer {read "girlier"} things in life...and they'll be better for it!
That's adorable! My son also adores a good tea party - it will make him into a fine man one day :)
Oh my goodness, Your kids are so cute. Okay had to say that first, now your style is sooooooo amazing. That CHAIR paired with the table!! It makes my heart beat faster. Your pictures are so amazing. I am headed outside right now to bring my bistro table back in!
Take Care,
p.s. I can't believe I have been missing out for so long. You women AMAZE me. So inspiring!
Thats the kind of Boy you want your Girl to Marry one day. I am real aware of raising a compassionate son, I work hard at it. He is so Cute and the Perfect age to still do this kind of stuff. Emily used to have Eli play with her, dolls, barbies, house, office he always went along. Too cute, xo Jamie
cutest freaking post!!!
(and on another note, i have to tell you, when i see how you style and set up your home, i just die inside that i can't make my home feel and look the same.)
I need a visit to IL. What do you say? :) I can bring some central coast wine (I'm not even half kidding. I'm totally serious.)
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, LOVE all those yellows....and the tea party table.....I WANT THAT!!
Cake stands and Star Wars do not go together, boys know nothing!!
Your Fin sounds VERY like my son :)
43 days AND counting....ooh la la!! xo
It is refreshing to read about such a loving mother...loved this post:)
Adorable! Guess the little guys can't let the ladies have all the fun... or lemon bars =)
That is too cute...sounds a little like my house :o)
tea parties are a must for girls and boys. how fun. when are you going to have one for us adults? i need a tea party...with hats!
Just fantastic. I am inspired!
you are the BEST mom! I am going to do that same set up for Kacey today!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU! You have made me a cool mom today!!!!!
HOw sweet!!! You are having so much fun with your boys. Love it!
Little boys rock! So fun and real. Can't wait to have a little girl so I can through tea parties my son can crash! ~lulu
Good for you and I think you are a good mom too. I LOVE lemon bars too...I just might tell a lie/joke if my fingers were crossed behind my back too..in fact I have done that a time or two! (I am having a GIVE A WAY) :D
I think this could have been about my very own son, the only thing missing is the sister & the tea party. My son has a love of everything Star Wars, I find them everywhere. I also hear the "just kidding" thing, it's not a liie if you are just kidding. :)
To, too SWEET...
too cute, Kasey. love it!
That is just adorable! And I love that little table, too!
By the way, your blog is the ONLY blog that I don't mute the music when I open it :-)
Love your style...in a non-stalkerish way....
I absolutely love your blog! It makes me laugh and inspires me daily. I have two boys my self and I know how it is. They are rotten but in a sweet way.
Also, your home is so lovely.
Take care.
...leaving the room immediately to go buy liam his very own tea set!...
love it!
Such cute boys Kasey! When Hannah and Alyssa ask for a tea party they set their own table and usually grab cereal and fruit snacks to eat. You really are a good mom!
You describe my life! Luckily, my boys enjoy "taking tea" almost as much as my daughter.
How wonderful that you captured this in pictures. Little boys have their own magic, I find that I just have to embrace it and not fight it!
how sweet is that!!! Love it that the boys had tea-time. I am a big tea drinker and always swore I would have tea time w/ my kids-sad to say I've only done it once-after crashing cups, spilt sugar & dribbling milk, I gave up (note to self: must try again). Thanks for that!! LOVE the pics too!!!
That is totally cute!!!!
Boys are wonderful!!! They have the rough side, yet the sweet side that us mothers teach them. They should be well rounded, for times when a "tea party" perhaps should request their presence. LOVE IT ♥
i love how you combined beauty AND humor in this post. well, isn`t that what we love about you anyways? :) i wanted to tell you too- i did a short note about you on my blog. love ya! jenny k.
sorry, forgot to include the link: http://baileyandme2.com/?p=70
Boyfriend used to let his older sisters dress him up in their clothes and slather make up all over him! I think it taught him everything he needs to know about women.. :)
I love that last photo, all the contrast and blurred background. I'm still working with my Canon DSLR and the different lenses.. You're inspiring!
One of your cutest posts by far:) And the tea party looks fabulous!
Your tea party table was so beautiful. It is so very cool that you were relaxed and let those boys check out the fru fru side of a little gal's life without the little gals catching them. Your photos are beautiful as well. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing...'boys who pick bugs out of flowers'...wonderful visual.
I love everything about this post...Lola's room alone left my mouth hanging open...WOW. ~Lili
My boys would build a Star Wars camp on the cakestand too. In fact, I think they have. ;-)
You're a rock star Mom... Love the tea party. Every time I go to Trader Joe's I think of the "incident" and just crack up.
Om my god Kasey I want a tea party!!! Love the yellow!! And those lemon bars from Joe's....got some in the freezer right now:)
I just had a baby girl last week {after three darling boys} and seeing a tea party makes me tear up. I'm so excited to get to participate in the girly things of motherhood. But what a sweet reminder that boys like a fancy set table as well! So looking forward to this journey with three boys and a girl.
It is so fun to have girls and boys. I wouldn't have believed it, but I love the Star Wars in my boy as much as the tea party in my girl.
Thanks for your sweet post, wonderful photos and amazing blog!
Oh how I love Fin... wonder if he'll be my BF? He is so darn cute I just want to squeeze him!! Bring the whole Fam to the wedding, you guys can make it a mini vaca!
They are so cute! And what a great tea party!
beautiful little vignette up there in miss lola's bedroom!
that darn fin...goodness gracious
he's cute
Dang...those boys are going to be a couple of heart-breakers in a few years! How is it possible to 2 friends to be so stinkin' cute? Lovin' Lolas room as always... ~mary~
Sweet!!!! I can totally see my son doing this. You ARE a fabulous mother! :) And what a cute set-up for the tea party.
Great post. Bering a Mom is not an easy task. My former neighbor and fellow recovering store owner has a blog where she talked about being a Mom today- you will laugh! adayinthewife.blogspot.com
Oh Kasey!
You remind me so much of my sister...Melly!
Oh how adorable your son is!!!
And the tea party you set up for Lola and friends after school...well just perfection!!
Oh how you twinkle their lives with so much yummmyness!!
That's why they can live through your BREAKDOWNS...your LOOSING IT times...and LOVE YOU that much more when you get in a tea party mood again!
Oh so much like my sister!!!
She actually emailed you not long ago about the ikea slipcovered furniture! ;o)
Fin just has to look at the little girls and they will all be smitten... add the tea party in and they will be falling at his feet, Lola's table is sooooo perfect and i'd love a lemon bar please!
It is apparent that you are a good Mom. That Fin is the cutest boy ever and I love those sweet tea cups.
Love your yellow Anthro teacups. I gave that exact cup to my sis-in-law 2 Christmases ago. She loves it.
Also...the "bashed" tea party is halarious. Boys are so funny, especially little ones when it comes to "girl" things.
I hope Lola had a good party when she came back from school. You're a great mother for going through all that trouble. That's really special and I'm sure will be a great memory for her.
-Gail @The Nurtured Nest
Too cute! I love it. We had a "teddy bear tea party" in my classroom last year, we used real china and flowers on the table. The boys really enjoyed it! :)
p.s Always love your photos!! You need to get them published into a book!
I have a special place in my heart for boys as I am raising three of them. I loved this post!
Always love me some Fin pics...he is so darn cute!...BUT just wait 'til he dumps you for a "serious" g/f...I am finally starting to get over it and take her under my wing...ha ha
Go, SuperMom, go!
Your boys are very, very lucky.
That pic of Mr. Big Eyes is to die for :)
So darn cute!!!
Love it! You are the best kind of mom....and what a tea party you throw! The lemon bars looked delicious.
here in france, they call it "le goûter"... i know. my children live religiously by it.
gorgeous gorgeous little tea party nook by the way!
Brilliant...and as always, gorgeous photos!!!
: )
Julie M.
ps Thank you for the sweet comment, Kasey!
The tea party...looks amazing and in Lola's room:)...you never cease to amaze me:) And those lemon bars...yum!
I love that you let the boys in on the tea party...oh my when girls know they will be able to do a tea party...
you're such a great mom:)
Love it, Kasey! p.s. wanna come over to my house and set up a nice little tea party for me? I'd like one just like Lola's, please :)
how sweet! love all your photos! have a good day! xo susan
Fun! I love that table in Lola's room! You had me at lemons...
The boys were perfectly innocent. It was me.
I ate all the lemon bars.
Very cute! The table looks so pretty set up for the girls! It reminds me of my 6 year old who loves to parachute Storm Troopers off my cloche, etc...never a dull moment with boys! :)
cute!!! & this time. you didnt warn me not to look... Now, I want lemon bars! lol. Great post. xoxo LA
love the story...love the room....love the lemon cake...love the mixed bag in a family- i have 3 kids & dream of tea parties a little less noisy, with a little less sprinkles on the floor & a little more icing on the cakes than in the mouth- but i wouldn't have it any other way- my son can tea party with his sisters like no other boy i know.......it feels really nice doesn't it- yours all look gorgeous- enjoy clever mummy!!
sweet and lovely. i'm past my days of tea parties and action figures. thanks for a sweet look back.
You are a good mama ;)
Very beautiful post...I am new to blogging and stopped by and love your blog
All boys need to understand their mothers passions :) That will make them wonderful husbands.
This is just too sweet! I love it. I. Want. Those. Bird. Teacups!!! They are fabulous. I haven't been by in a while and I've missed your blog. It's still just as pretty as the last time I stopped by ;)
Your children are very lucky to have a mom that creates such wonderful memories for them.
The table looks perfect in Lola's room!!
Work from home India
these photos are gorgeous! :)
What great photos and boys! I love your white picture frames hanging on the wall. Where did you get them?
this is totally a post i needed to read...really really really needed your perspective. i enjoyed your words, and pics. what a sweet boy you have!
sweet and lovely. i'm past my days of tea parties and action figures. thanks for a sweet look back.
work at home in india
LOL, LOVE This! Sometimes, we underestimate the boys! I want to raise mine to be the man that all the girls want because he's thoughtful, caring, giving, emotional, romantic and ruggedly handsome but knows how to do his own laundry and unload the dishwasher while whipping up an awesome dinner if his wife is working late! ;-)
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